Tuesday 24 April 2018

Are there any Wahhabi Muslims in India?

Are there any Wahhabi Muslims in India?
Imran Shaik, Muslim, Student of Islam
The correct term to use is Salafi, Wahabbi is a term used to define someone who follows the teaching of a Salafi scholar Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. 

Salafi is the one who practices Islam as Prophet Muhammad  (ﷺ) and his companions practiced Islam, most specifically practicing it without any kind of Innovation (Bidah) and Blasphemy (Shirk), for simplicity Salafi can also be regarded as Orthodox Islam, Wahhabism is also a subset of Salafi Islam. 

In India the Salafies are generally regarded by another name "Ahle Hadeeth" (People of the Tradition), most of the Salafs in India are young and educated who claim to have found the truth of Islam after gaining unbiased education which was an implication of boom in information age and the access it provided, previously it was only available to the ulema (scholars) who had to dedicate their lives to gain access to information and they themselves didn't had all the information to make an informed decision. 

Alhamdullilah (Praise to Allah), at least that is my story to Salafism.

EDIT : Westerns, Shia and Sufis use the term Wahhabi as a degotory term, but I don't mind called a "Wahhabi" since "Wahhab" is a name of Allah (SWT), and if followers of Christ calls themselves "Christians" and Followers of Judah as "Jews" and Mahavir Jain as "Jains" and Buddha as Buddhist, I should be proud to be called a Wahhabi, maybe not because of what it represents but because of what it means.

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