Wednesday 28 June 2023


 యూనిఫాం సివిల్ కోడ్ మరియు బ్రాహ్మణిజం


-ప్రొఫెసర్ ఎ.హెచ్.గెహ్లాట్ 

UCC అనేది ముస్లిం వ్యతిరేక చట్టం అని కొందరు మూర్ఖులు ఇప్పటికీ అపోహలో ఉన్నారు. వారి అజ్ఞానానికి నిజంగా జాలిపడాలి మరియు సిగ్గుపడాలి. వాస్తవానికి; UCC అనేది ప్రత్యేకించి SC, ST మరియు OBCల హక్కులను పూర్తిగా హరించివేయడానికి వారికి వ్యతిరేకంగా పన్నిన కుట్ర.

ఈ చట్టం పూర్తిగా ముస్లింలకు వ్యతిరేకం అనే అభిప్రాయాన్ని కలిగించడానికి UCCకి వ్యతిరేకంగా కేకలు వేయడానికి కొంతమంది ముస్లిం తొత్తులు (నాయకులు) నియమించబడ్డారు. కానీ మనం అలా నమ్మితే మోసపోతాము. UCC చట్టం వల్ల ముస్లింలకు జరిగే నష్టం లాంఛనప్రాయమైన నష్టం. ముస్లింలు ఇప్పటికే వారి స్వంత క్రమబద్ధీకరించబడిన వ్యవస్థతో ఒక ప్రత్యేకమైన మతపరమైన వర్గంగా ఉన్నారు. ముస్లిములు గతంలో ఇటువంటి కుట్రలను అధిగమించినట్లే ఈ పరిస్థితిని అధిగమిస్తారు. కమ్యూనిస్ట్ రష్యా యొక్క కామన్ సివిల్ కోడ్ తో ముస్లింలు 73 సంవత్సరాలు జీవించారు. చివరికి రష్యా విచ్చినమైనది..

జనాదరణ పొందిన నమ్మకానికి(ముస్లింలకు వ్యతిరేకం) విరుద్ధంగా, వాస్తవానికి UCC SC, ST, OBC వర్గాలకు చాలా నష్టాలను కలిగిస్తుంది. UCC ఆమోదించబడితే, బహుజన సమాజానికి మన రాజ్యాంగం ద్వారా అందించబడిన అన్ని ప్రత్యేక అధికారాలు రద్దు చేయబడతాయి.

రెండవది అట్రాసిటీ చట్టం తీవ్ర ప్రమాదంలో పడుతుంది. అట్రాసిటీ చట్టం యొక్క ప్రయోజనాలు కొంత కాలం పాటు సమాజంలోని నిర్దిష్ట వర్గాలను మోసం చేయడానికి చెక్కుచెదరకుండా అలాగే  ఉంచబడతాయి మరియు మొత్తం చట్టం రద్దు చేయబడే వరకు ఆ నిబంధనలు  క్రమంగా తగ్గించబడతాయి. 

డాక్టర్ బాబాసాహెబ్ అంబేద్కర్ ఆదివాసీలకు వారి "జల్, జంగిల్, జమీన్", గుర్తింపు మరియు వారి స్వాతంత్ర్యానికి సంబంధించి ప్రదానం చేసిన ప్రత్యేక అధికారాలను UCC పూర్తిగా రద్దు చేస్తుంది.

మన రాజ్యాంగంలోని ఐదవ మరియు ఆరవ షెడ్యూల్ ప్రకారం, ఆదివాసీయేతరులు లేదా ప్రభుత్వం కూడా గిరిజన ప్రాంతాల్లో భూమిని కొనడం లేదా విక్రయించడం అనుమతించబడదు.

కలెక్టర్ నుండి ఎక్స్‌ప్రెస్ అనుమతి లేకుండా ఆదివాసీయేతరడు (గిరిజనేతరడు) ఏ గిరిజన భూమిని కొనుగోలు చేయడానికి అనుమతించబడడు. భూమిని కొనుగోలు చేసిన తర్వాత కూడా గిరిజనేతరులు భూమిని 3-5 అడుగుల లోతు వరకు మాత్రమే ఉపయోగించుకోవచ్చు. పైన పేర్కొన్న లోతు దాటిన భూమి ఆదివాసీలకు చెందుతుంది.

ఉపగ్రహాలు మరియు భౌగోళిక సర్వేల సహాయంతో ప్రభుత్వం మన గిరిజన భూముల్లో గొప్ప మరియు అరుదైన ఖనిజ సంపదను గుర్తించింది. ఈ UCC ఆ వనరులన్నింటినీ లాక్కోవడానికి ఒక మోసపూరిత పన్నాగం తప్ప మరొకటి కాదు.

UCC అమలుతో, సెక్షన్ 371 ద్వారా ఈశాన్య నాగాలాండ్‌కు మంజూరు చేసిన నిబంధనలన్నీ రద్దు చేయబడతాయి. గిరిజనుల భూములకు వర్తించే చాలా హక్కులు దేశంలోని ఇతర ప్రాంతాలకు మంజూరు చేయబడవు. ఈ అధికారాలన్నీ స్వయంచాలకంగా సున్నాకి తగ్గించబడతాయి. ఫలితంగా ఒక ఆదివాసి  తన సొంత భూమిలో పరాయివాడు అనే స్థితికి తగ్గించబడతాడు

ఇది నెరవేరిన తర్వాత, ఆనకట్టలు, అభయారణ్యాలు, ప్రత్యేక ఆర్థిక మండలాలు మరియు సోలార్ ప్లాంట్ల నిర్మాణం అనే నెపంతో ఆదివాసీలను వారి స్వంత భూముల నుండి ఖాళీ చేయిస్తారు. వారి స్వంత భూముల నుండి బహిష్కరించబడిన అదే ఆదివాసీలు ప్రధాన మరియు మెట్రోపాలిటన్ నగరాల్లో కాంట్రాక్ట్ కార్మికులుగా పనిచేయవలసి వస్తుంది.

భారతీయ ప్రజాస్వామ్య మూల స్థంభాలన్నింటిని బ్రాహ్మణులు EVM మరియు డబ్బు శక్తిని ఉపయోగించి హైజాక్ చేసారు. భవిష్యత్తులో రూపొందించబడిన ఏదైనా చట్టం పూర్తిగా బ్రాహ్మణవాదుల ప్రమాణ పత్రo మనుస్మృతి కి అనుగుణంగా ఉండాలి;.

మన రాజ్యాంగం యొక్క ఆత్మకు చివరి దెబ్బ. UCCకి మించి రాజ్యాంగం లో ఏది ఉండదు, ఆత్మ లేకుండా కనిపించే నిర్మాణం తప్ప ఏదీ రాజ్యాంగం లో ఉండదు,.

మనము  UCCని వ్యతిరేకించకపోతే మరియు ముస్లింలను వ్యతిరేకించనివ్వకపోతే, సంఘీయులు UCCని ముస్లిం వ్యతిరేక చట్టంగా చిత్రీకరిస్తారు, మెజారిటీ మద్దతును కూడగట్టుకుంటారు మరియు చివరికి ఈ చట్టాన్ని ఆమోదించడంలో విజయం సాధిస్తారు.

వ్యవసాయ బిల్లును రైతులు ఆపివేసిన విధంగానే యుసిసి UCC ని మనo ముందుండి వ్యతిరేకించాల్సిన బాధ్యత ఉంది. లేకుంటే ఈ చట్టం మన రాజ్యాంగాన్ని క్యాన్సర్‌లా తినేస్తుంది.

SC, ST, OBC లకు వ్యతిరేకంగా రూపొందించిన చట్టాలను మీడియా మరియు IT సెల్ ద్వారా మోసపూరితంగా ముస్లిం వ్యతిరేక చట్టాలుగా చిత్రీకరించడం మరియు కాలక్రమేణా అవే చట్టాలను మనపై ప్రయోగించడం ఇటీవలి కాలంలో గమనించబడింది.

ఇందుకు CAA, NRC ఉత్తమ ఉదాహరణ: అస్సాంలోనే 14 లక్షల కంటే ఎక్కువ మంది SCలు మరియు OBCలు CAA, NRC ద్వారా ప్రభావితమయ్యాయి. కేవలం 5 లక్షల మంది ముస్లింలు మాత్రమే ప్రభావితమయ్యారు. చాలా మంది తమ పత్రాల్లో తప్పుల కారణంగా ఇబ్బందులు పడాల్సి వచ్చింది. తమ పౌరసత్వాన్ని నిరూపించుకునే పత్రాలు లేని వారు  ఆదివాసీలు తప్ప ముస్లింలు కాదని మనువాదీలకు బాగా తెలుసు. పర్యవసానంగా ఎక్కువగా ప్రభావితమయ్యేది మరియు బహిష్కరించబడేది మూలవాసి ఆదివాసీలే తప్ప ముస్లింలు కాదని వారికి బాగా తెలుసు.

అందువల్ల మనము  మరియు మన ఆదివాసీ సంస్థలు ముందుకు అడుగు వేయడం మరియు UCCని ముందు ఉండి ఆపడం చాలా ముఖ్యం ఎందుకంటే ఇది ఆదివాసీలకు "డూ ఆర్ డై" పరిస్థితి.

UCC అమలు చేయబడిన తర్వాత, హిందూ రాజ్యం ఆచరణాత్మకంగా స్థాపించబడిన వాస్తవికత అవుతుంది. వాస్తవానికి హిందూ రాజ్యం స్థాపించబడిందన్న  అధికారిక ప్రకటన మాత్రమే మిగిలి ఉంది.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

UCC - - hitting out at Oppn over ‘Triple Talaq’: Highlights from

 From UCC to hitting out at Oppn over ‘Triple Talaq’: Highlights from PM Modi’s MP speech

Addressing party workers in Bhopal after flagging off five Vande Bharat trains, PM Modi took multiple jibes at the Opposition and said that the BJP had decided it won’t adopt the Parth of appeasement and vote bank politics in the run-up to the polls.

By: Express Web Desk

New Delhi | Updated: June 27, 2023 14:05 IST


PM Modi addresses party workers in Bhopal. (Twitter/@BJP4India)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday pitched for the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and hit out against those supporting the practice of Triple Talaq while addressing a rally in poll-bound Madhya Pradesh.

In a question and answer session with party workers in Bhopal after flagging off five Vande Bharat trains, PM Modi took multiple jibes at the Opposition and said that the BJP had decided it won’t adopt the path of appeasement and vote bank politics in the run-up to the polls.

“Some people live only for their party, want to do good to the party and they do all this because they get a share of corruption, commission, cut money. The path they have chosen does not require much effort and this is the path of appeasement,” PM Modi said.

Here are some highlights from the Prime Minister’s speech:


On triple talaq

Asked by a BJP worker about triple talaq, PM Modi said: "The people who advocate Triple Talaq are votebank-hungry people, and they are doing injustice to Muslim women... Triple Talaq destroy the entire family."

"Muslim-majority countries have also banned Triple Talaq. Recently, I was in Egypt...They abolished Triple Talaq around 80-90 years ago," he added


On Uniform Civil Code

In his speech, PM Modi also batted for a Uniform Civil code: "Today people are being instigated in the name of UCC. How can the country be run on two (laws)? The Constitution also talks of equal rights...Supreme Court has also asked to implement UCC."

He further accused the Opposition of opposing the UCC for "vote bank politics".


On 'discrimination against Pasmanda Muslims'

In yet another veiled jab at the Opposition, PM Modi said that the country's Pasmanda Muslims have been facing widespread discrimination in the name of vote bank politics.

"Our Pasmanda Muslim brother and sisters life has been made hell by those who do vote banks. They live a life of struggle. No one listens to them. They have been discriminated against so much, but there has been no debate on this. Even today, Pasmanda Muslims are not given an equal share. They are thought of as untouchables," he said.


On 'Opposition Unity' & Patna meet

Meanwhile, speaking about the Opposition's recent attempts to band together ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, PM Modi said that this was a reflection of their "helplessness".

"People and parties who used to abuse each other are now falling on each other's feet, and this reflects their helplessness," he said. "Don't be angry, pity them."


On Opposition's "corruption"

Accusing the Opposition of being self-serving, the Prime Minister said that these parties had adopted the "path of appeasement", which, he said, would ultimately lead to the "destruction" of the country.

"Some people live only for their party, want to do good to the party and they do all this because they get a share of corruption, commission, cut money. The path they have chosen does not require much effort and this is the path of appeasement," he said.

"Their politics runs only by keeping the poor poor, the deprived deprived. This path of appeasement can give benefits for a few days but it is a great destroyer for the country. It stops the development of the country, increases discrimination in the country, brings destruction in the country... creates a wall in the society," he added.


'Will not follow path of appeasement'

PM Modi said that unlike the Opposition, the BJP will not follow "the path of appeasement". "Our values ​​are different, our resolutions are bigger and our priority is more than the party. The first is of the country. We believe that when there is good for the country, then there will be good for all. BJP has decided that we do not have to follow the path of appeasement. The way to do good to the country is not appeasement, it is satisfaction," he said.


On political nepotism

In yet another jibe at the Opposition, PM Modi said that those who had sought votes in the name of their family members, ended up only serving members of their own family.

"If you want to do good to your son-daughter, grandson-grandson... the children of your family, then vote for BJP," he added.

First published on: 27-06-2023 at 13:36 IST

PM Modi targets CM KCR’s family in Bhopal Gulam Mustafa Hans News Service | 27 June 2023 3:05 PM IST x Prime Minister Narendra Modi HIGHLIGHTS 

Asks people to vote for BJP in order to avoid the dynasty politics Bhopal: In a direct attack on Telangana Chief Minister KCR's family, Prime Minister Narendra Modi directly criticized him. He aksoed the people to vote for BRS if they want KCR’s daughter to be benefited or vote for BJP if your family wants to get benefits. He criticised the family rule while addressing a meeting held in Bhopal. Modi's comments gained importance at a time when the opposition was criticising the Central government for favoring Kavitha in the Delhi liquor scam.

Live: PM Modi addresses public meeting 'Mera Booth Sabse Majboot' in Bhopal

Friday 23 June 2023

What is Halala in muslim tradition?

 What is Halala in muslim tradition?


Halala is a controversial practice that is sometimes practiced in certain interpretations of Sunni Islamic tradition. It pertains to a temporary marriage of convenience that allows a divorced woman to remarry her former husband after a specific process has been followed.

In Islamic law, a divorced couple is not allowed to remarry unless the woman marries and divorces another man in what is commonly referred to as a "Halala marriage." The idea behind this practice is to ensure that the divorce is final and not simply a temporary separation intended to bypass the prohibition on remarriage.

The process of Halala involves the woman marrying another man and consummating the marriage. After a period of time or a specific number of menstrual cycles, the second husband divorces the woman, making her legally eligible to remarry her first husband.

It's important to note that the practice of Halala is not universally accepted within the Muslim community, and there are differing opinions among scholars regarding its permissibility and ethical implications. Some argue that it goes against the spirit of Islamic teachings on marriage and divorce, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the sanctity of marriage and avoiding exploitation. Others argue that it is a valid practice based on specific interpretations of Islamic law.

It's worth mentioning that many Muslim scholars and organizations strongly condemn the commercialization and abuse associated with Halala, where some individuals exploit vulnerable women by offering paid Halala services. They consider such practices as exploitative and contrary to the principles of justice and compassion in Islam.

It's important to approach such sensitive topics with cultural sensitivity and respect for diverse interpretations and practices within the Muslim community.

UCC - controversy in India?

 Common Civil Code (CCC) controversy in India? 


The concept of a Common Civil Code (CCC) has been a topic of controversy and debate in India for many years. A Common Civil Code refers to a unified set of laws governing personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and property rights for all citizens, irrespective of their religious affiliations. In India, different religious communities, such as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and others, are governed by separate personal laws based on their religious customs and traditions.

The controversy surrounding the implementation of a Common Civil Code in India stems from various factors:

Religious and Cultural Diversity: India is a diverse country with a multitude of religions and cultural practices. Critics argue that imposing a uniform civil code may infringe upon the religious and cultural rights of minority communities and undermine their autonomy in matters of personal law.

Protection of Minority Rights: Some opponents argue that implementing a Common Civil Code could potentially lead to the erosion of the rights and protections granted to minority communities under their respective personal laws. They fear that the code may not adequately address their specific needs and concerns.

Political Sensitivities: The issue of a Common Civil Code has become politically sensitive in India, with different political parties holding varying stances. Some parties advocate for a uniform civil code as a means of achieving gender justice and equality, while others consider it an encroachment on religious freedom and use it as a rallying point to mobilize their voter base.

Gender Justice and Equality: Supporters of a Common Civil Code argue that it is necessary to ensure gender justice and equality, as personal laws of various religions often have different provisions regarding marriage, divorce, and inheritance that can disadvantage women. They argue that a uniform code would help eliminate gender disparities and protect the rights of women.

Constitutional Provisions: The Constitution of India provides for the possibility of a uniform civil code under Article 44, which is a directive principle of state policy. However, directive principles are non-justiciable, and their implementation is at the discretion of the government.

It is important to note that implementing a Common Civil Code in a diverse country like India is a complex and sensitive matter. Any such reform would require careful consideration, dialogue, and consensus-building among various religious and social groups to address concerns related to religious freedom, cultural diversity, and gender justice. The topic continues to be a subject of intense debate and remains unresolved as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021.

Why the BJP and RSS stressing for Uniform Civil Code (UCC)? What is its political interest?

 Why the BJP and RSS stressing for  Uniform Civil Code (UCC)? What is its political interest? 


The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have been proponents of implementing a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India. Their support for a UCC is rooted in their political ideology and vision for a more homogeneous and culturally unified India. Here are some reasons why the BJP and RSS stress the need for a UCC and the potential political interests involved:

Cultural Nationalism: The BJP and RSS promote the idea of cultural nationalism, which emphasizes the primacy of a unified Indian culture and identity. They believe that a UCC would foster social cohesion, national integration, and a sense of cultural unity by erasing religious differences in personal laws.

Hindutva Agenda: The BJP and RSS are associated with the ideology of Hindutva, which seeks to establish and promote a Hindu cultural and political hegemony in India. Implementing a UCC is seen as a step towards homogenizing personal laws, which are perceived as a remnant of colonial rule and as privileging certain religious communities over others.

Gender Justice and Equality: The BJP and RSS argue that a UCC would promote gender justice and equality by eliminating discriminatory practices and provisions present in some religious personal laws, particularly those that disadvantage women. This resonates with their larger narrative of social reform and empowerment.

Consolidating Hindu Vote Bank: Advocating for a UCC is also a political strategy to consolidate the Hindu vote bank. By positioning themselves as champions of a UCC, the BJP and RSS appeal to Hindu voters who may feel that the existing personal laws grant preferential treatment to minority communities. It helps them present themselves as protectors of Hindu rights and interests.

Countering Minority Appeasement Narrative: The BJP and RSS often criticize other political parties for what they perceive as minority appeasement, where certain religious communities are favored over others in terms of policies and benefits. Proposing a UCC is seen as a counter-narrative to this perceived appeasement, presenting a more equitable and uniform approach to governance.

It's important to note that these points represent some of the motivations and political interests that have been attributed to the BJP and RSS regarding the UCC. However, opinions and motivations within these organizations can vary, and other factors may also influence their stance on the issue.

Thursday 15 June 2023

Why Damoh school, run by Muslim family, has drawn BJP’s ire in MP

 Why Damoh school, run by Muslim family, has drawn BJP’s ire in MP

What began as a hijab controversy has turned into a full-fledged probe against the Ganga Jamna School

Rahul Noronha

Bhopal,UPDATED: Jun 11, 2023 21:47 IST
The poster showing non-Muslim students wearing the hijab.

On June 7, Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan told the state’s chief secretary and DGP to probe the role of the management of the Ganga Jamna School in Damoh from multiple angles. Chouhan asked them to include allegations pertaining to land encroachment, evasion of GST, and also religious conversion—a theme that has been playing out regularly in MP ahead of assembly elections.
The Ganga Jamna School came in the news when right-wing Hindu outfits accused the school management of forcing non-Muslim students to wear the hijab as part of the school uniform. The outfits raised the issue when the school put out a poster with pictures of girls who had done well in the Class 12 exams. The poster included pictures of non-Muslim girls wearing the hijab.

The owner of the school, Mushtaq Khan, clarified that the head gear was a scarf and part of the uniform, but not mandatory. The Muslim family that runs the school has other businesses as well, such as of beedi and pulses.

Soon after, Damoh district magistrate Mayank Agarwal asked district education officer (DEO) S.K. Mishra and the Damoh police to look into the allegations. After receiving the report of the DEO and the police, the collector gave the school an all clear. This, however, made the state BJP turn against the district administration.
On June 5, top BJP leaders in the state accused the school of carrying out religious conversions. Three faculty members, all women, were claimed to have been converted to the Islamic faith. The faculty members, however, said they had not been converted by the school and had changed their faith after marriage to Muslims.

On June 6, three local BJP leaders, Amit Bajaj, Monty Raikwar and Sandeep Sharma, while shouting ‘Jai Shri Ram’, threw ink on DEO Mishra, who they accused of shielding the school management. A case was registered against the trio by the Damoh police. Mishra told the media that these leaders were upset as he had not passed their bills for payment for a contract owing to a technicality. State BJP president V.D. Sharma condemned the act of his party leaders in Damoh.
The recognition of the school was, however, cancelled by the state education board. School education minister Indar Singh Parmar claimed the role of the collector in giving a clean chit was not above board.

The entire matter took another turn on June 7 with home minister Narottam Mishra saying that he had instructed the Damoh police to register a case against the school management. Consequently, an FIR was lodged under Section 295 (destruction of place of worship) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code and sections of the Juvenile Justice Act. The FIR was lodged on the basis of a statement of a girl student.

Meanwhile, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) chairperson Priyank Kanoongo said the school had used a distorted map of India in its logo and for its other businesses as well. The logo shows the peninsular part of India with snowy mountains and a river flowing from them. The same day, chief minister Chouhan said there were other complaints too against the school and the family running it, and that these should be probed.

Some months ago, the NCPCR got cases registered against a missionary institution in Damoh, accusing it of forcible religious conversion.
Political watchers see the seriousness with which the issue is being probed and the media focus on it directly linked to the upcoming assembly election. Conversions, terrorism and terror funding have been a constant narrative in MP politics. Some weeks ago, the police in Bhopal claimed to have busted a terror group. A Jain youth and his wife, who had converted to Islam, were alleged prominent members of the group.

While BJP leaders have been vociferous in raising the Damoh school issue, terming it as a national security threat, the Congress leadership has been quiet. Some see it as part of the Congress strategy to not attract allegations of Muslim appeasement. “The district magistrate has constituted a committee to look into the allegations. We should wait for the findings. Only then will the party take a stand,” Damoh Congress MLA Ajay Tandon told INDIA TODAY.