Monday 31 December 2018

మోదీ మాటలు ఎవరికి పాఠాలు !

మోదీ మాటలు ఎవరికి పాఠాలు !
Dec 31, 2018, 14:34 IST
 BJP Should Listen To Narendra Modi - Sakshi
సాక్షి, న్యూఢిల్లీ : ‘ప్రతికూల అంశాలను ప్రచారం చేయడం చాలా సులువు. సానుకూల అంశాలను వైరల్‌ చేయడానికి మనమంతా చేతులు కలుపుదాం!’ అంటూ ఆ ఏడాదిలో చివరిదైన ‘మన్‌ కీ బాత్‌’ రేడియో కార్యక్రమంలో ప్రధాన మంత్రి నరేంద్ర మోదీ దేశ పౌరులకు పిలుపునివ్వడం సానుకూల అంశమే. ఆయన ఎవరిని దృష్టిలో పెట్టుకొని ఈ వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారో తెలియదుగానీ, ఆయన వ్యాఖ్యల స్ఫూర్తిని ముందుగా అర్థం చేసుకోవాల్సిందీ, పాటించాల్సిందీ ఆయన పార్టీ అయిన బీజేపీ నాయకులు, కార్యకర్తలే. ‘ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్‌ మాజీ ముఖ్యమంత్రి అఖిలేష్‌ యాదవ్‌ తన తండ్రి ములాయం సింగ్‌ యాదవ్‌ చెంప పగులగొట్టాడు’ అనే నకిలీ వార్త వైరల్‌ అవడం, అది ఓ బీజేపీ సోషల్‌ మీడియా కార్యకర్తనే సృష్టించారనే విషయం తెల్సిందే.

ఈ విశయాన్ని ఈ ఏడాది మొదట్లో నిర్వహించిన బీజేపీ సోషల్‌ మీడియా కార్యకర్తల సమావేశంలో నరేంద్ర మోదీకి కుడిభుజం, పార్టీ అధ్యక్షుడు అయిన అమిత్‌ షా స్వయంగా అంగీకరించారు. ఆయతే ఆ చర్యను ఆయన తీవ్రంగా ఖండించకపోగా పరోక్షంగా ప్రోత్సహించినట్లు మాట్లాడడం ఇక్కడ గమనార్హం.‘ఎవరైనా ఇలాంటివి చేయకూడదు. అయితే ఇక్కడతను ఓ దృక్పథంతో ఈ వార్తను సష్టించారు. ఇది చేయదగ్గ పనే. కానీ చేయకూడదు. మంచైనా, చెడైనా, నిజమైనా, అబద్ధమైన ఎలాంటి వార్తలనైనా ప్రజల్లోకి తీసుకెళ్లే సామర్థ్యం ఈ నాడు మనకుంది. ఇదంతా మన వాట్సాప్‌ గ్రూపుల్లో 32 లక్షల మంది ఉండటం వల్లనే సాధ్యమైంది. అందుకే ఈ వార్త కూడా వైరల్‌ అయింది’ అని అమిత్‌ షా వ్యాఖ్యానించారు.

నకిలీ వార్తలను సృష్టించడం, ప్రచారం చేయడమే కాదు, బీజేపీ నాయకులు ప్రతికూల వ్యాఖ్యలు చేసినప్పుడు కూడా ఇటు అమిత్‌ షాగానీ, అటు మోదీగానీ ఎన్నడు ఖండించలేదు, కనీసం నోరుకూడా విప్పలేదు. పశ్చిమ బెంగాల్‌ రాష్ట్రంలో మత హింసాకాండ జరుగుతోందంటూ ‘2002, గుజరాత్‌ అల్లర్ల’కు సంబంధించిన ఫొటోలను, నడిరోడ్డుపై ఓ మహిళను వివస్త్రను చేస్తున్న ముస్లింలు’ అంటూ ఓ మరాఠీ సినిమా షూటింగ్‌ పోస్టర్‌తో బీజేపీ మీడియా సెల్‌ అధిపతి అమిత్‌ మాలవియా నకిలీ వార్తలను ప్రసారం చేసినా వీరు ఖండించలేదు. ఆయన ఇప్పటికీ అదే పదవిలో కొనసాగుతున్నారు. మూక హత్యలకు పాల్పడిన వారు జైలు నుంచి బెయిల్‌పై విడుదలయితే బీజేపీ నాయకులు ఎదురెళ్లి స్వాగతం చెప్పడం, అతిధి మర్యాదలతో సత్కరించడం మనకు తెల్సిందే.

యూపీలోని బులంద్‌షహర్‌లో ఆవులను చంపారనడాన్ని తీవ్రంగా ఖండించిన ఆ రాష్ట్ర ముఖ్యమంత్రి ఆ ప్రచారంతో అనంతరం జరిగిన హింసాకాండలో బజరంగ్‌ దళ్‌ నాయకుడు ఓ పోలీసు ఇన్‌స్పెక్టర్‌ను కాల్చి చంపడాన్ని ఓ యాక్సిడెంట్‌ కింద వర్ణించడం, ఆ పోలీసు ఇన్‌స్పెక్టరే తనకు తాను కాల్చుకున్నాడని స్థానిక బీజేపీ వ్యాఖ్యానించడం, నేడు మనిషి ప్రాణంకన్నా ఓ ఆవు ప్రాణం ముఖ్యమైందన్న బాలీవుడ్‌ నటుడు నసీరుద్దీన్‌ షాను టెర్రరిస్టు అనడం, కాల్చివేయాలనడం ప్రతికూల ప్రచారం కాదా? అంతెందుకు విదేశాంగ మంత్రి సుష్మా స్వరాజ్‌కు వ్యతిరేకంగా నెటిజన్లు విరుచుకుపడుతున్నా ఈ నాయకులు మౌనమే పాటించారు.ఇటీవల మూడు రాష్ట్రాల్లో బీజేపీ ప్రభుత్వాలు కూలిపోవడం వల్ల నరేంద్ర మోదీ వైఖరిలో నిజంగానే మార్పు వచ్చి ఉండవచ్చు. అయితే ఆయన మాటల్లోని స్ఫూర్తిని ముందుగా అమిత్‌ షా, ఆదిత్యనాథ్‌ యోగి, అమిత్‌మాలవియా నుంచి బీజేపీ నాయకులంతా గ్రహించాల్సిన అవసరం ఉంది.

Tuesday 25 December 2018

క్రైస్తవుల అభివృద్ధికి కట్టుబడి ఉన్నాం: చంద్రబాబు

క్రైస్తవుల అభివృద్ధికి కట్టుబడి ఉన్నాం: చంద్రబాబు
25-12-2018 12:29:33

విజయవాడ: క్రైస్తవుల అభివృద్ధికి ప్రభుత్వం కట్టుబడి ఉందని ముఖ్యమంత్రి చంద్రబాబు నాయుడు స్పష్టం చేశారు. నగరంలోని నిర్వహించిన క్రిస్మస్ వేడుకల్లో సీఎం పాల్గొన్నారు. ఈ సందర్భంగా ఆయన మాట్లాడుతూ చర్చిల నిర్మాణానికి నిధులు కేటాయిస్తామన్నారు. రూ.100కోట్లతో శ్మశాన వాటికల ఏర్పాటు చేస్తామని చెప్పారు. తెల్లకార్డులు ఉన్నవారందరికీ చంద్రన్న క్రిస్మస్‌ కానుకలు అందజేస్తామని సీఎం తెలిపారు. జెరూసలెం యాత్రలకు రూ.7 కోట్లు ఖర్చు చేస్తున్నామని, క్రైస్తవ యువతుల పెళ్లికి రూ.50వేలు ఆర్థికసాయం అందజేయనున్నట్లు చెప్పారు. క్రిస్టియన్‌ దళితులందరికీ న్యాయం చేస్తామని సీఎం చంద్రబాబు స్పష్టం చేశారు.

ట్రిపుల్‌ తలాక్‌తో బీజేపీ ఓటు రాజకీయం

ట్రిపుల్‌ తలాక్‌తో బీజేపీ ఓటు రాజకీయం
25-12-2018 02:32:59

బిల్లుపై పోరాటానికి సహకరిస్తాం
ముస్లిం పర్సనల్‌ లా బోర్డు ప్రతినిధులతో సీఎం
అమరావతి, డిసెంబరు 24 (ఆంధ్రజ్యోతి): ‘ట్రిపుల్‌ తలాక్‌’ వ్యవహారంతో కేంద్రంలోని బీజేపీ ప్రభుత్వం ఓటు రాజకీయం చేస్తోందని ముఖ్యమంత్రి చంద్రబాబు ఆరోపించారు. సోమవారం ముస్లిం పర్సనల్‌ లా బోర్డు ప్రతినిధుల బృందం ముఖ్యమంత్రితో ఉండవల్లిలోని ఆయన నివాసంలో సమావేశమైంది. పార్లమెంటులో ఈ నెల 27న తీసుకొస్తున్న ముస్లిం మహిళా బిల్లు-2018ను వ్యతిరేకించి కోట్లాది భారతీయ ముస్లింల హక్కులను కాపాడాలని ఆయన్ను కోరింది. ముస్లింలకు మొదటి నుంచీ అండగా ఉన్న తెలుగుదేశం పార్టీ ఈ విషయంలోనూ సహకరించాలని విజ్ఞప్తి చేసింది. ఇస్లాం ప్రబోధానుసారం ముస్లిం వర్గాల్లో 1400 ఏళ్లుగా కొనసాగుతున్న వివాహ వ్యవస్థను మార్చి రాజకీయ ప్రయోజనాలు పొందాలని మోదీ ప్రభుత్వం చూస్తోందని, దీన్ని అత్యధిక రాజకీయ పక్షాలు వ్యతిరేకిస్తున్నాయని ప్రతినిధులు తెలిపారు.

ముస్లిం సమాజంలో భర్తను శిక్షించే కొత్త చట్టాన్ని తీసుకురావడం మానవ హక్కులకు ప్రతిబంధకమని, రాజ్యాంగ విరుద్ధమే కాకుండా సహజ న్యాయసూత్రాలకు వ్యతిరేకమని చెప్పారు. దీనిని కేంద్రం ఓటు బ్యాంకు రాజకీయ అంశంగా వాడుకునేందుకు ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నట్లు తమ పార్టీ కూడా భావిస్తోందని, ఈ బిల్లుకు వ్యతిరేకంగా పోరాడేందుకు అన్నీ విధాలుగా సహకరిస్తామని సీఎం హామీ ఇచ్చారు. రాష్ట్రంలో ముస్లిం మైనారిటీ వర్గాలకు తెలుగుదేశం ప్రభుత్వం ఎన్నో సంక్షేమ కార్యక్రమాలను అమలు చేస్తోందన్నారు. ప్రతినిధి బృందంలో బోర్డు కార్యదర్శులు మౌలానా ఖలీద్‌ సైపుల్లా, జాఫర్‌ జిలానీ, మహిళా విభాగం చీఫ్‌ ఆర్గనైజర్‌ డాక్టర్‌ అస్మా జహేరా, మౌలానా అబ్దుల్‌ బాసిత్‌, మౌలానా అసిఫ్‌ నద్వీ, ఫరూకీ ఖస్మీ, సైదా ఆయేషా తయ్యబా తదితరులు ఉన్నారు.

‘రెహమాన్‌, ఫర్మాన్‌, జీషాన్‌, ఖుర్బాన్‌ లాగా హనుమాన్‌

హనుమంతుడి ముందు బీజేపీ కుప్పిగంతులు.. అందుకే తగలబడుతోంది..!
25-12-2018 10:43:42

ఆల్వార్: పురాణ పురుషుడు, శ్రీరాముని భక్తుడు అయిన హనుమంతుడికి కులాన్ని అంటగట్టే ప్రయత్నాలు చేస్తూ దైవత్వానికి భంగం కలిగిస్తున్న బీజేపీ నేతలపై ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్ కాంగ్రెస్ చీఫ్ రాజ్ బబ్బర్ మండిపడ్డారు. జనం నిత్యం ఆరాధించే హనుమంతుడిని రాజకీయాల్లోకి రాగడం వల్లే బీజేపీ మూడు రాష్ట్రాల్లో ఓటమి చవిచూసిందని రాజస్థాన్‌లోని ఆల్వార్‌లో ఆయన మాట్లాడుతూ అన్నారు.

హనుమంతుడు దళితుడంటూ ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్ ముఖ్యమంత్రి యోగి ఆదిత్యనాథ్ ఆమధ్య ప్రకటించడంతో పలువురు నేతలు హనుమంతుడెవరనే దానిపై ఎవరికి తోచిన రీతిలో వారు భాష్యాలు చెప్పారు. కుల, మతాలను ఆపాదించేందుకు పోటీ పడ్డారు. క్రికెటర్ చేతన్ చౌహన్ ఏకంగా హనుమంతుడిని మల్లయోధుడని చెప్పగా, యూపీ మంత్రి లక్ష్మీనారాయణ ఆయనను ఓ జాట్‌గా, బీజేపీ ఎమ్మెల్యే బుక్కల్ నవాబ్ హనుమంతుడిని ముస్లింగా అభివర్ణించారు. అంతకంతకూ ఈ వేడి పెరుగుతుండటంపై రాజ్ బబ్బర్ బీజేపీపై నిశిత విమర్శలు చేశారు. 'హనుమంతుడిని మరింత చిక్కుల్లో పెట్టకండి. ఆయన తోక దెబ్బకు బీజేపీ ఇప్పటికే మూడు ఎన్నికల్లో తుడిచిపెట్టుకు పోయింది. ఇప్పుడు వారి (బీజేపీ) లంక తగులబడుతోంది' అని రాజ్‌బబ్బర్ చురకలు వేశారు. ఇప్పటికైనా బీజేపీ ఇలాంటి  రాద్ధాంతం మానుకోవాలని హితవు పలికారు.

హనుమంతుడి పేరుతో ఓట్ల వేట.. పండితులు, సాధువుల ఆగ్రహం
25-12-2018 04:14:18

ఏ కులము నీదంటే.. గోకులము నవ్వింది
..అన్నట్టుగా, ఆంజనేయుడు తన కులంపై జరుగుతున్న రాజకీయ రగడను చూసి నవ్వుకుంటూ ఉండి ఉంటాడేమో బహుశా! నది మూలం, రుషి మూలం అడగకూడదంటారు పెద్దలు! కానీ, ఓట్ల వేటలో మన రాజకీయ నాయకులు.. ముఖ్యంగా బీజేపీ నేతలు ఆ వానరశ్రేష్టుడి కులం ఫలానాదంటూ కుంపటి రాజేశారు.

దీనికి ఆద్యుడు యూపీ ముఖ్యమంత్రి యోగి ఆదిత్యనాథ్‌. రాజస్థాన్‌ అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికల ప్రచారంలో భాగంగా నవంబరులో అక్కడి మల్‌పుర నియోజకవర్గంలో పర్యటించిన యోగి.. హనుమంతుడు దళిత గిరిజనుడని, ఆయనకులానికి చెందినవారంతా బీజేపీ అభ్యర్థికి ఓటేయాలని పిలుపునిచ్చారు. అంతకుముందు ఛత్తీస్‌గఢ్‌ ఎన్నికల ప్రచారంలోనూ ఆయన ఇలాంటి వ్యాఖ్యలే చేశారు. హనుమంతుడు అందరికన్నా పెద్ద ఆదివాసీ, వనవాసి అంటూ ఓట్ల వేట కొనసాగించారు. ఆదిత్యనాథ్‌ వ్యాఖ్యలను సమర్థిస్తూ బీజేపీకే చెందిన మరో నేత.. ఎంపీ సావిత్రీబాయి పూలే మరింత వివాదాస్పదవ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు.

హనుమంతుడు దళితుడు, మానవుడు అని.. కానీ ఆయనను మనువాదులకు బానిసగా మార్చారని.. రాముడి కోసం ఎంతో చేసినప్పటికీ కేవలం దళితుడైన కారణంగా హనుమకు తోక తగిలించి, ఆయన ముఖానికి మసి పూసి కోతిగా చేశారని ఆరోపించారు. ఇంతలో.. ఆచార్య నిర్భయ్‌ సాగర్‌ మహరాజ్‌ అనే జైన మతగురువు ఒకరు రంగంలోకి దిగి అసలు ఆంజనేయుడు జైనుడని తేల్చిచెప్పేశారు. జైనమతం గుర్తించిన 169 మంది మహాపురుషుల్లో హనుమ ఒకరని పేర్కొన్నారు. ఆ వెంటనే.. బీజేపీ ఎమ్మెల్సీ బుక్కల్‌ నవాబ్‌ కాస్తా హనుమంతుణ్ని ముస్లిం చేసేశారు. ‘రెహమాన్‌, ఫర్మాన్‌, జీషాన్‌, ఖుర్బాన్‌ లాగా హనుమాన్‌ అని ఉన్నది కాబట్టి ఆయన ముస్లిమే’ అని తేల్చారు. ముస్లింల పేర్లన్నీ ఆయన పేరు నుంచి వచ్చినవేనన్నారు. ఆ మర్నాడే.. యూపీకి చెందిన బీజేపీ మంత్రి హనుమంతుణ్ని ‘జాట్‌’ చేశారు. రాముడి భార్యను రావణాసురుడు ఎత్తుకుపోతే ఏ సంబంధమూ లేని హనుమంతుడు మధ్యలో జోక్యం చేసుకున్నాడని.. ఎవరు కష్టాల్లో ఉన్నా జోక్యం చేసుకునే లక్షణం జాట్లదే కాబట్టి, ఆయన జాట్‌ అని తన వాదన చెప్పారు.

ఇలా.. హనుమంతుడు హిందూ దళితుడు అని ఒకరు.. జైన్‌ అని మరొకరు.. ముస్లిం అని ఇంకొకరు.. వాదిస్తుంటే, అసలు సైన్సు ప్రకారం ‘హనుమంతుడు’ అనే క్యారెక్టరే ఉండడానికి అవకాశమే లేదన్నారు మరో బీజేపీ నేత. ఆయన పేరు ఉదిత్‌ రాజ్‌. ఢిల్లీకి చెందిన బీజేపీ నేత.. ‘‘పురాతత్వ శాస్త్రం ప్రకారం, శాస్త్రీయంగా మనం మాట్లాడుకుంటే గనుక హనుమంతుడు ఒకప్పుడు నిజంగానే ఉండి ఉన్నాడనడానికి ఎలాంటి భౌతిక ఆధారాలూ లేవు’’ అని ఢిల్లీకి చెందిన బీజేపీ ఎంపీ ఉదిత్‌ రాజ్‌ వాక్రుచ్చారు.

తన వ్యాఖ్‌యలు.. తమ పార్టీకే చెందిన యోగి ఆదిత్యనాథ్‌ వ్యాఖ్యలను ఖండించేలా ఉండడంతో అంతలోనే నాలుక కరుచుకుని.. ‘ఒకవేళ ఈ సత్యాలన్నిటినీ పక్కన పెడితే, హనుమంతుడంటూ ఉంటే ఆయన దళితుడుగానీ గిరిజనుడుగానీ అయి ఉంటాడు’ అని సరిదిద్దుకున్నారు. అంతటితో అయిపోలేదు.. హనుమంతుడు ‘గోండు’ జాతికి చెందినవాడని సమాజ్‌వాదీ పార్టీ నేత.. కులమేదైనా ఆంజనేయుడు గొప్ప క్రీడాకారుడు అని క్రికెటర్‌ చేతన్‌ చౌహాన్‌ అన్నారు. ఇలా అర్థంపర్థం లేకుండా హనుమంతుడి కులం గోల అంతులేని కథలా కొనసాగుతోంది.

ఇంతకీ ఆంజనేయుడు ఎవరు?
పురాణ గాథల ప్రకారం.. రాముడు నరుడిగా భూమ్మీద అవతరించినప్పుడు, ఆయనకు సహకరించేందుకు దేవతలందరినీ తమతమ అంశలతో భూమ్మీద వెలవాల్సిందిగా బ్రహ్మదేవుడు ఆదేశించాడు. అలా శివుడి అంశగా హనుమంతుడు అవతరించాడు. శివుడు మంగళప్రదుడు. ఆయనెప్పుడూ శుభాల్నే ఇస్తుంటాడు. ఎప్పుడూ శుభాలను ఇవ్వడానికే రామాయణంలో హనుమ అనే పాత్ర అవతరించింది. ఆయన తల్లి అంజన. పుంజిక స్థల అనే అప్సరస ముని శాపానికి గురై అంజన అనే వానరకాంతగా భూమిపై జన్మించింది. కేసరి అనే వానర వీరుడితో ఆమెకు వివాహమైంది. శివుడి అనుగ్రహంతో రుద్రాంశగా వారికి కలిగిన కుమారుడే ఆంజనేయుడు. పురాణ పురుషులు కీర్తించిన పరమ భాగవతోత్తముడు, చిరంజీవి అయిన ఆ కపీంద్రుడికి కులాన్ని ఆపాదించడం తగదన్నది పండితుల అభిప్రాయం.

రాజకీయ నాయకులు ఇప్పటికైనా ఈ రగడను మానుకోకపోతే సాక్షాత్తూ ఆ స్వామే వచ్చి వారి పని పడతాడని అయోధ్యలోని హనుమాన్‌గఢీ ఆలయ ప్రధానార్చకుడు మహంత్‌ రాజు దాస్‌ ఆగ్రహం వ్యక్తం చేశారు. రాజకీయ నాయకులు ఇప్పటికే చాలా చేశారని.. వారు ఇలాగే వ్యాఖ్యలు చేస్తూ పోతే కోర్టును ఆశ్రయిస్తామని హెచ్చరించారు. హనుమంతుడి కులం గురించి మాట్లాడే నేతలందరికీ మతిపోయిందని 13 హిందూ సంస్థల సమాహారమైన అఖాడా పరిషత్‌ అధ్యక్షుడు మహంత్‌ నరేంద్ర గిరి ఆగ్రహం వ్యక్తం చేశారు.

 హనుమ అంటే?
పురాణగాథల ప్రకారం.. ఆంజనేయుడికి చిన్నప్పుడు ఒకసారి ఆకలి వేస్తే, ఆకాశంలో సూర్యబింబాన్ని చూసి పండు అని భ్రమించి సూర్యుడిని తినడానికి దూసుకెళ్లాడు. ఆంజనేయుడిని చూసి సూర్యుడు తన తీవ్రతను తగ్గించుకున్నాడు. అయితే, అది గ్రహణకాలం కావడంతో అదేసమయానికి రాహువు సూర్యుడిని మింగడానికి వచ్చాడు. అప్పటికే అక్కడ ఉన్న బాలాంజనేయుణ్ని చూసి ఇంద్రుడి వద్దకు వెళ్లి సూర్యుడిని మింగడానికి ఎవరో వచ్చారని చెప్పాడు. ఇంద్రుడు వచ్చి వజ్రాయుధ ప్రయోగం చేయగా అది ఆంజనేయుడి ఎడమ దవడ (హనువు) భాగానికి తగిలి గాయమైంది. అందుకే ఆయనను ‘హనుమ’ అని పిలవాలని ఇంద్రుడే కోరుకున్నాడు

Monday 24 December 2018

భారతదేశంలో ముస్లింల సమస్యల గురించి మనకు అవగాహన ఉందా?

భారతదేశంలో ముస్లింల సమస్యల గురించి మనకు అవగాహన ఉందా?
ఫరాహ్ నఖ్వీ
బీబీసీ కోసం
25 మే 2018
దీనిని క్రింది వాటితో షేర్ చేయండి Facebook దీనిని క్రింది వాటితో షేర్ చేయండి Messenger దీనిని క్రింది వాటితో షేర్ చేయండి Twitter దీనిని క్రింది వాటితో షేర్ చేయండి ఇమెయిల్ షేర్ చేయండి
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భారత్‌లో ముస్లింల జనాభా 17.2 కోట్లు. ఇది స్పెయిన్, ఇటలీ, బ్రిటన్‌ల మొత్తం జనాభాతో సమానం. ప్రపంచంలో అత్యధిక ముస్లింలు జీవించే దేశాల్లో భారత్‌ది మూడో స్థానం. భారత్‌కు చెందిన ముస్లింలలో కనిపించే వైవిధ్యం మరే దేశంలోని ముస్లింలలోనూ కనిపించదు.

గత 1400 ఏళ్లలో భారతీయ ముస్లింలు దేశంలోని అన్ని రంగాల్లోనూ ఉమ్మడి చరిత్రలో భాగమై జీవించారు. ప్రపంచంలోని ముస్లింలంతా ఒకటే అని ఇస్లాం భావిస్తుంది. అంటే దీనిని పాటించే వాళ్లంతా ఒకటే అని అర్థం. కానీ భారతీయ ముస్లింలు వేర్వేరు శాఖలుగా చీలిపోవడాన్ని చూస్తే అది ఇస్లాం మౌలిక సూత్రాలకే భిన్నంగా కనిపిస్తుంది. భారత్‌లో ముస్లింలు.. సున్నీలు, షియాలు, బోహ్రాలు, అహ్మదియా, ఇంకా మరెన్నో శాఖలుగా చీలిపోయారు.

ముస్లిం మతగురువులు ఈ విషయాన్ని అస్సలు ఒప్పుకోరు కానీ, వాస్తవం ఏంటంటే, భారత్‌లో ముస్లింలు కూడా హిందువుల్లాగే సామాజికంగా కులాలుగా చీలిపోయి ఉన్నారు. అగ్ర కులాన్ని అష్రఫ్, మధ్య కులాన్ని అజ్లాఫ్ అని పిలవగా, అట్టడుగున ఉన్న వారిని అర్జాల్ అని పిలుస్తారు.

భారత్‌లో ముస్లింలు భౌగోళిక దూరాలను బట్టి కూడా చీలిపోయి ఉన్నారు. వాళ్ల జనాభా దేశంలోని వేర్వేరు ప్రాంతాల్లో వెదజల్లినట్టుగా ఉంది. అందుకే, తమిళనాడులో ముస్లింలు తమిళం మాట్లాడుతారు. కేరళలో మలయాళం మాట్లాడుతారు. ఉత్తర భారతం నుంచి హైదరాబాద్ దాకా ఉన్న ముస్లింలు ఎక్కువగా ఉర్దూ మాట్లాడుతారు. దాంతో పాటు వారు తాముండే ప్రాంతాన్ని బట్టి తెలుగు, భోజ్‌పురీ, గుజరాతీ, మరాఠీ, బంగ్లా భాషల్ని కూడా మాట్లాడుతారు. బెంగాల్‌లో ఉండే ముస్లిం బంగ్లా మాట్లాడుతాడు. ఒక సగటు బెంగాలీ లాగే చేపల్ని బాగా ఇష్టపడతాడు. అతడు పంజాబ్‌లో, లేదా దేశంలోని మరే ఇతర ప్రాంతంలో ఉండే ముస్లింకన్నా పూర్తిగా భిన్నంగా ఉంటాడు.

తమ పుట్టుక సమయంలోనే ఇస్లామిక్‌గా ప్రకటించుకున్న పాకిస్తాన్‌కు చెందిన ముస్లింలకు పూర్తి విరుద్ధంగా, సగటు భారతీయ ముస్లిం ఒక ప్రజాస్వామిక దేశంలో జీవిస్తున్నందుకు గర్వంగా భావిస్తాడు. రాజ్యాంగం ప్రకారం భారత్‌లోని పౌరులందరూ సమానం.

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డొనాల్డ్ ట్రంప్ దీనికి నాయకత్వం వహిస్తున్నారు
అయితే, ఇప్పుడు పరిస్థితులు మారుతున్నట్టు కనిపిస్తోంది. ఫొటోల ద్వారా మాత్రమే వాస్తవాల్ని వర్ణించే ఈ సెల్ఫీ యుగం చేయాల్సినంత నష్టం చేసింది. నేడు భారతదేశంలోని ముస్లింలు వైవిధ్యభరితమైన తమ గుర్తింపును కూకటివేళ్లతో పెకిలించేసి, ఆ స్థానంలో అంతర్జాతీయ ముస్లిం ఐక్యతకు సంబంధించిన చిత్రాలను ముందుకు తెస్తున్నారు. ఈరోజు వారు హిజాబ్, గడ్డం, టోపీ, నమాజ్, మదర్సాలు, జిహాద్ వంటి గుర్తింపుకు చేరువవుతున్నారు. ఇలా ముస్లింలంతా ఒకలాగా కనిపించే ఇమేజ్ మనకు ప్రతి చోటా కనిపిస్తోంది. పోల్చడం ద్వారా రాజకీయాలు చేసే, ఎల్లప్పుడూ కొన్ని ప్రత్యేకమైన విషయాల్ని మాత్రమే నొక్కి చెప్పే నేతల పనిని ఈ మారుతున్న వాతావరణం మరింత సులువు చేస్తోంది.

ప్రపంచమంతటా తీవ్రవాదం తరహా జాతీయవాదాన్ని తలకెత్తుకున్న ఉద్యమాలకు గుంపుల్ని పోగు చేయాలన్నా, విజయం సాధించాలన్నా 'మరొకరు' ఎప్పుడూ కావాల్సి ఉంటుంది. వారికి వ్యతిరేకంగా వాతావరణం తయారు చేయాల్సి ఉంటుంది. వారికి వ్యతిరేకంగా జనాల్ని రెచ్చగొట్టి తమ వైపు తిప్పుకోవాల్సి ఉంటుంది. చారిత్రకంగా చూస్తే ఇలాంటి ఉద్యమాలకు యూదులు, నల్లజాతివారు, జిప్సీలు, వలసదారులు లక్ష్యంగా ఉంటూ వచ్చారు. అయితే భారత్‌లో హిందూ జాతీయవాద భారతీయ జనతా పార్టీ ముందుకు దూసుకురావడం వల్ల జరిగిన పరిణామం ఏంటంటే, ముస్లింలు ఒంటరై పోతున్నారు. వారిని వేరు చేస్తున్నారు.

ఈ విద్వేషపు వాతావరణానికి మూలాలు కూడా భారత్‌లోనే ఉన్నాయి. మన వలసవాద చరిత్రలోనే ముస్లింల పట్ల ద్వేషానికి బీజాలు పడ్డాయి. నేడు మొత్తం ప్రపంచంలోనే ఇస్లాంకు వ్యతిరేకంగా భయం, ద్వేషంలతో కూడిన వాతావరణం తయారైంది. కాబట్టి భారత్‌లో కూడా జాతీయవాదం పేరుతో ముస్లింలను లక్ష్యంగా చేసుకోవడంలో రాజకీయ సౌలభ్యం ఏర్పడింది. ఇదొక కొత్త యుగపు పోరాటం. ట్విటర్‌లో హూంకరిస్తున్నట్టు కనిపించే అమెరికా అధ్యక్షుడు డొనాల్డ్ ట్రంప్ దీనికి నాయకత్వం వహిస్తున్నారు.

జెరూసలెం: మూడు మతాలకు పవిత్ర క్షేత్రంగా ఎలా మారింది?
ప్రాణాలు నిలుపుకోడానికి.. మతం మారుతున్నారు!
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సచార్ కమిటీ రిపోర్టుతో మొదలైన చర్చ
అయితే, భారతీయ ముస్లింల కష్టాలు 2014లో జరిగిన సాధారణ ఎన్నికల్లో బీజేపీ గెలుపుతోనే మొదలు కాలేదు. అవి చాలా ముందుగానే మొదలయ్యాయి. ప్రగతికాముక భారత రాజ్యాంగ హామీలు వన్నె కోల్పోయే క్రమం చాలా ముందుగానే మొదలైంది. కులం, మతం పేరుతో సమాజంలో అంతరాలు బహిరంగంగా కనిపించడం ఎప్పుడో మొదలైంది. ఈ అంతరాలు సమాజంలో ముందు నుంచే ఉన్నాయి. నిజం చెప్పాలంటే ఈ కుల, మత అంతరాలు మన సామాజిక డీఎన్‌ఏలోనే అంతర్భాగం.

మునుపటి ప్రభుత్వాలు, ముఖ్యంగా కాంగ్రెస్ ప్రభుత్వాలు ముస్లింల పట్ల దయాభావం చూపాయి గానీ అవి వారిని నిర్లక్ష్యం కూడా చేశాయి. మునుపటి ప్రభుత్వాలు కూడా ముస్లింల పట్ల వివక్ష చూపాయి. ఈ పార్టీలు, ప్రభుత్వాలు ముస్లింలను ఓట్లు అడుగుతూ వచ్చాయి కానీ సమానత్వం, న్యాయం, అభివృద్ధి వంటివి వారికి ఇస్తామని మాత్రం ఎప్పుడూ చెప్పలేదు. పైగా ముస్లింలను ఎల్లప్పుడూ వారి మతం పేరుతోనే రెచ్చగొట్టాయి. ఆపై, మీ మత గుర్తింపును కాపాడుతామనే హామీలిస్తూ ఓట్లు అడిగేవి. ఈ క్రమంలో ముస్లిం సమాజపు అభివృద్ధి గిడసబారిపోయింది. విద్య, ఉపాధి, ఆరోగ్యం, ఆధునికత వంటి వాటిలో భారతీయ ముస్లింలు మిగతా వారికన్నా వెనుకబడుతూ వచ్చారు.

2006లో వెలువడిన సచార్‌ కమిటీ రిపోర్టు మొట్టమొదటిసారిగా ముస్లింల స్థితిగతులపై ప్రమాద ఘంటిక గట్టిగా మోగించింది. ఈ రిపోర్టు వచ్చాకే ముస్లిం సమాజంలో వెనుకబాటుతనంపై చర్చ మొదలైంది. ముస్లింలను ఒక మత-సాంస్కృతిక సమూహంగా చూడకుండా, వారి అభివృద్ధిపై చూపు సారించారు. ఈ చిత్రం చాలా భయంకరమైంది.

మసీదు నిర్మాణానికి హిందువులు, సిక్కుల చందాలు
గుడికోసం ముస్లిం లేఖ: 24 గంటల్లో స్పందించిన ఆర్ఎస్ఎస్
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దళితులు, ఆదివాసుల తర్వాత మూడో స్థానంలో ముస్లింలు
2001 జనాభా లెక్కల ప్రకారం ముస్లింలలో అక్షరాస్యత కేవలం 59.1 శాతంగా ఉంది. ఇది భారత్‌లోని మరే ఇతర సామాజిక గ్రూపుతోకన్నా చాలా తక్కువ. 2011 జనాభా లెక్కలలో ముస్లింల అక్షరాస్యత 68.5 శాతంగా నమోదైంది. అయితే ఇప్పటికీ భారత్‌లోని ఇతర సముదాయాలతో పోలిస్తే ఇది చాలా తక్కువ. 6-14 ఏళ్ల వయసున్న 25 శాతం ముస్లిం పిల్లలు స్కూలు ముఖమైనా చూడలేదు లేదా వారు మొదట్లోనే స్కూలు మానేశారు. దేశంలోని పేరున్న కాలేజీల్లో కేవలం 2 శాతం ముస్లింలే పోస్ట్ గ్రాడ్యుయేషన్ కోర్సుల్లో అడ్మిషన్ తీసుకుంటారు.

ముస్లింలకు ఉద్యోగాలు కూడా చాలా తక్కువ లభిస్తాయి. సగటు తలసరి ఖర్చులో కూడా వారిది జాతీయ సగటుకన్నా చాలా తక్కువ. అత్యున్నత స్థాయి ప్రభుత్వ సేవల్లో ముస్లింల ఉనికి దాదాపు లేదని చెప్పొచ్చు. దేశ జనాభాలో ముస్లింలు 13.4 శాతం ఉండగా, ఐఏఎస్‌లలో వారి శాతం కేవలం 3, విదేశీ సేవలో 1.8, ఐపీఎస్ అధికారుల్లో వారి శాతం 4 కన్నా తక్కువే.

సచార్‌ కమిటీ రిపోర్టు వెలువడ్డ తర్వాత కూడా రాజకీయ వాగ్దానాలు బాగానే చేశారు. కానీ నిర్దిష్ట ఫలితం ఏదీ రాలేదు. సచార్‌ కమిటీ సిఫారసులను ఏ మేరకు అమలు చేశారు, ముస్లింల స్థితిగతుల్లో ఏ మేరకు మార్పులు వచ్చాయి, వంటి వాటి అధ్యయనం కోసం 2013లో అప్పటి యూపీఏ ప్రభుత్వం కుండూ కమిటీని ఏర్పాటు చేసింది. ఈ కమిటీ రిపోర్టులో మరింత దయనీయమైన సమాచారం వెలువడింది. సచార్‌ కమిటీ రిపోర్టు వచ్చాక కూడా భారతీయ ముస్లింల స్థితిగతుల్లో లేశమాత్రంగా కూడా మార్పు రాలేదు. ముస్లింలలో పేదరికం దేశ సగటుకన్నా ఎక్కువ. ముస్లిం సముదాయంలో ఆదాయం, ఖర్చు, వినియోగాల విషయానికొస్తే, వారు దళితులు, ఆదివాసుల తర్వాత మూడో స్థానంలో ఉన్నారు. పరిస్థితులు ఇలా ఉండగా, 2014 సాధారణ ఎన్నికలకు ముందు మతతత్వ హింసకు సంబంధించిన ఘటనలు పెరిగాయి.

హజ్‌ యాత్రపై మోదీ తప్పు దోవ పట్టిస్తున్నారా?
గ్రౌండ్ రిపోర్ట్: కఠువా రేప్ తర్వాత.. హిందూ - ముస్లింల మధ్య పెరిగిన అగాధం
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జోస్యం చెప్పినట్టుగా రుజువైంది
మత ప్రాతిపదికన ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగాల్లో భాగస్వామ్యానికి సంబంధించన గణాంకాలు వెల్లడి చేయడానికి మోదీ ప్రభుత్వం నిరాకరించింది. కాబట్టి ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగాల్లో ముస్లింలు ఎంత మంది ఉన్నారో చెప్పలేం కానీ వారి శాతం 4 కన్నా ఎక్కువ లేదని కుండూ కమిటీ వెల్లడి చేసింది.

ముస్లిం సమాజపు అభివృద్ధి, భద్రతల విషయాల్లో కుండూ కమిటీ తన రిపోర్టులో చెప్పిన విషయాలు జోస్యం చెప్పినట్టుగా రుజువయ్యాయి. కమిటీ తన నివేదిక చివరలో ఇలా రాసింది, "ముస్లిం అల్పసంఖ్యాకుల అభివృద్ధి వారి భద్రత పునాదిపై జరగాలి. కృత్రిమ ధృవీకరణకు అంతం పలుకుతామని చెప్పే జాతీయ రాజకీయ హామీని అమలులోకి తేవడం ద్వారా మనం వారిలో నమ్మకాన్ని పాదుకొల్పాలి."

ఇది అక్షరాలా భవిష్యవాణి చెప్పినట్టుగా రుజువైంది.

2014లో ప్రభుత్వం మారిన తర్వాత దేశంలో పరిస్థితే పూర్తిగా మారిపోయింది. ముస్లింల గురించి మాట్లాడేటప్పుడు ఇప్పుడు వారి పిల్లలు స్కూలు మానెయ్యడం గురించి గానీ, వారి ఆదాయాలు పడిపోతుండడం గురించి గానీ మాటమాత్రంగా కూడా ప్రస్తావించరు. వారి ప్రాణాలను, స్వతంత్రతనూ కాపాడడం గురించి, వారికి న్యాయం అందజేసే విషయం గురించి చర్చ జరుగుతుంది. 2014 తర్వాత ముస్లింలపై విద్వేషపూరిత నేరాలు ఎక్కువగా జరుగుతున్నాయి. ముస్లింలను కొట్టి చంపడం, ఇలాంటి ఘటనల వీడియోలు తీసి సోషల్ మీడియాలో ప్రచారం చేయడం, ఏ మాత్రం సిగ్గు పడకుండా వీటిపై విజయోత్సవాలు జరుపుకోవడం వంటి ఘటనలు జరుగుతున్నాయి.

ఇది హిందూ-ముస్లింల ఘర్షణా లేక అస్సామీలకూ బెంగాలీలకూ మధ్య ఘర్షణా?
అస్సాం: ‘మేం బంగ్లాదేశీయులం కాదు.. భారతీయులమే! ఇవిగో ఆధారాలు!
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ఇది గుంపు రాజ్యం
ముస్లిం అయినందుకు లేదా ముస్లిం లాగా కనిపించినందుకు జనాలపై బస్సుల్లో, రైళ్లలో, హైవేలపై దాడులు జరిగాయి. ఆవు మాంసం తీసుకెళ్తున్నట్టుగా అనుమానం కలిగినంత మాత్రానే వారిని పట్టుకొని కొట్టిన ఘటనలు జరిగాయి. వ్యాపారం రీత్యా పశువులను మేళాల లోంచి చట్టబద్ధంగా కొని తీసుకెళ్లే వారిపై కూడా దాడులు జరిగాయి. నిజానికి వ్యవసాయం ప్రధాన వృత్తిగా ఉన్న భారతదేశంలో పశువుల వ్యాపారం చాలా కీలకంగా ఉంటుంది. కానీ ఇది గుంపు రాజ్యం. చట్టబద్ధమైన రాజ్యం కాదు మరి.

ఇలాంటి ఘటనలన్నింటిలోనూ పోలీసులు వ్యవహరించే తీరు పక్షపాతంతోనే ఉంటుంది. మొట్టమొదటి విషయం ఏంటంటే, ఇలాంటి దౌర్జన్యాలకు గురైన బాధితులపైనే పోలీసులు గోరక్షణ చట్టం కింద (భారత్‌లోని 29 రాష్ట్రాలకు గాను 24 రాష్ట్రాల్లో ఇలాంటి చట్టం ఉంది) కేసు నమోదు చేస్తారు. చాలా కేసుల్లో పోలీసులకు లభించే సాక్ష్యం గుంపుల అరుపులూ, కేకలే. ఒత్తిడి పెరిగినప్పుడు పోలీసులు అన్యమనస్కంగానే అనుమానితులపై కేసు నమోదు చేస్తారు. నిజానికి పోలీసుల వద్ద కావాల్సిన సాక్ష్యాలన్నీ ఉంటాయి. విద్వేషపూరిత హింసకు గురై చనిపోయిన, గాయపడిన వారు కళ్లెదుట ఉన్నా పోలీసులు కేసు నమోదు చేయడానికి తటపటాయిస్తారు.

భారత్‌లో అల్పసంఖ్యాకులపై హింస కొత్త విషయమేమీ కాదు. కానీ ఇలాంటి ఘటనలు సాధారణంగా మారిపోవడం, వీటిపై ప్రభుత్వం పూర్తిగా మౌనం వహించడం మాత్రం కొత్త విషయమే. మొదట్లో ఒకటీ, అరగా జరిగే ఘటనలు ఇప్పుడు రోజువారీగా జరిగే ఘటనలుగా మారిపోయాయి.

ముస్లిం కూలీ కావడమే ఆయన చేసుకున్న పాపం
ఎన్‌కౌంటర్లలో ముస్లింలూ, దళితులే ఎందుకు హతులవుతారు?
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విద్వేష పూరిత వ్యాఖ్యలు సర్వ సాధారణం అయిపోయాయి
మరోవైపు జనంలో మరో తరహా ప్రచారం మొదలుపెట్టారు. హిందూ అమ్మాయిలను మభ్యపెట్టి, వారిని ముస్లింలుగా మార్చి ఉగ్రవాద కార్యకలాపాల్లో వారిని భాగం చేయాలనే అంతర్జాతీయ కుట్రలో ముస్లిం యువకులు భాగమయ్యారనేదే ఆ ప్రచారం. హిందూ మితవాదులు దీనిని 'లవ్ జిహాద్' అని అంటున్నారు. ఈ సంస్థలకు చెందిన వ్యక్తులు యువ జంటలపై బాహాటంగానే దాడులకు పాల్పడుతున్నారు. ముస్లిం పురుషులను పెళ్లి చేసుకున్న హిందూ అమ్మాయిలు జిహాదీ ఫ్యాక్టరీలో భాగమయ్యారంటూ వారిపై కేసులు కూడా పెట్టారు.

ముస్లింలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా అధికార బీజేపీ నేతలు, మంత్రులు విద్వేష పూరిత వ్యాఖ్యలు చేయడం సర్వ సాధారణం అయిపోయింది. ఇప్పుడు ఇలాంటి వ్యాఖ్యలు ఎవరికీ కొత్తగా అనిపించడం లేదు. భారత దేశాన్ని హిందువుల నుంచి లాక్కోడానికే ముస్లింలు ఎక్కువ మంది పిల్లల్ని కంటున్నారని ఒక రాజస్థాన్ ఎమ్మెల్యే అన్నారు. ఎక్కువ మంది పిల్లల్ని కనకుండా ముస్లిం కుటుంబాలను ఆపాలని ఆ ఎమ్మెల్యే డిమాండ్ చేశారు. మరో కేంద్ర మంత్రి కూడా ముస్లింలపై మాటల దాడి చేశారు. ఓటర్ల ముందు ఇప్పుడు రెండు దారులే ఉన్నాయన్న ఆయన, వారు రామజాదే (హిందువులు)ను ఎంచుకోవాలి, లేదంటే హరాంజాదే (ముస్లింలు)ను ఎంచుకోవాలని అన్నారు. ఇలాంటి విద్వేష పూరిత వ్యాఖ్యలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా ఏర్పడిన చట్టాన్ని క్రమంగా పట్టించుకోవడం మానేశారు.

హజ్ సబ్సిడీ రద్దుపై ముస్లింలేమంటున్నారు?
2002 అల్లర్ల తర్వాత గుజరాత్ ముస్లింలలో మార్పొచ్చిందా?
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ద్వేషిస్తూ, దాడులు చేయటంతోనే జనం సంతోషిస్తారు!!
ఇది చూస్తుంటే ముస్లింలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా అన్ని ప్రత్యామ్నాయాలూ తెరిచినట్టుంది. పుస్తకాలను తిరగరాస్తున్నారు. రహదారుల పేర్లు మార్చేస్తున్నారు. చరిత్రను బహిరంగంగా కొల్లగొడుతున్నారు. చక్రవర్తులు మంచి వాళ్లయినా, చెడ్డవాళ్లయినా, వాళ్లు ముస్లింలా, హిందువులా అనేదే చూస్తున్నారు. ముస్లిం ఉపాధి కోరినా, న్యాయం కోరినా, మాల్‌లోకి వెళ్లినా, రైల్లో వెళ్లినా, ఇంటర్నెట్‌లో చాటింగ్ చేసినా, జీన్స్ వేసుకున్నా లేక తను ముస్లిం అని చెప్పుకున్నా, తమ ప్రజాస్వామ్య హక్కులు కోరడం కూడా వారికి ప్రమాదకరం కావచ్చు. వాళ్లపై సోషల్ మీడియాలో ట్రోల్ కావచ్చు. జనం వారిపై దాడి కూడా చేయచ్చు.

ఇదంతా ఎందుకు, ఈ మంటలు ఎలా రేగుతున్నాయి.

దీనికి ఒక సమాధానం. భారతీయ సమాజంలో అసమానతలు పెరుగుతున్నాయి. ఆక్స్‌ఫామ్ ప్రపంచ అసమానతల నివేదిక 2018 ప్రకారం భారతదేశంలోని ఒక శాతం ప్రజల దగ్గర దేశంలోని 58 శాతం సంపద చిక్కుకుని ఉంది. ఇలాంటి పరిస్థితుల్లో సమాజంలో విశ్వాసం ఎలా ఏర్పడుతుంది.

ఈరోజు దేశంలో మూడు కోట్ల మందికి పైగా నిరుద్యోగులు ఉన్నారు. 2018 మేలో పరీక్ష ఫలితాలు రావడంతో ఇప్పుడు నిరుద్యోగుల బ్యాచ్ మరొకటి బయటికొచ్చింది. మరో షాక్ ఇచ్చింది. ఇలాంటి దుర్భర పరిస్థితుల్లో ఆర్థికాభివృద్ధి ఆశలు తక్కువే కనిపిస్తాయి. అలాంటప్పుడు ఇతరులను ద్వేషిస్తూ, వారిపై దాడులు చేయడంతోనే జనం సంతోషిస్తారు. ముఖ్యంగా దేశ ప్రయోజనాల కోసమే మీరిది చేస్తున్నారని అన్నప్పుడు, ఇంకా సంతోషంగా ఉంటుంది. ఇక లక్ష్యం భారతదేశాన్ని విభజించిన, భారత్‌కు అతిపెద్ద శత్రువు అయిన, పాకిస్తాన్‌ ముస్లింలతో సంబంధం ఉన్న ఆ జీహాదీ ముస్లిమే అయితే, ఇంకేం చెప్పగలం.

'ముస్లింలు పాకిస్తానీలు, ఉగ్రవాదులా?'
'మంచి ముస్లిం' అనేది ఎవరు నిర్ణయిస్తారు?
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లోక్‌సభలో ఇప్పటివరకూ ముస్లింల అతి తక్కువ ప్రాతినిథ్యం ఇదే
పాలకులు దాడి చేస్తున్న వారికి పూర్తిగా స్వేచ్ఛ ఇచ్చినపుడు ఇది మరింత బలంగా అవుతుంది. హిందుత్వవాద భావజాలం కూడా ఇలాంటి దాడులు చేసేలా పురికొల్పుతాయి. అధికారంలో ఉన్న ప్రభుత్వం అదే హిందూవాద భావజాలాన్ని నమ్ముతుంది. దాని ప్రకారం దేశంపై మొదటి హక్కు హిందువులదే, మిగతా వారంతా తల వంచుకుని ఉండాలి, ఏం చెబితే అది చేయాలి.

భారతీయ ముస్లింలకు అతిపెద్ద దెబ్బ, రాజకీయంగా వారి ఓట్లకు ప్రాధాన్యం లేకుండా పోతుండడమే. 2014లో ఒక్క ముస్లిం ఎంపీ కూడా లేకుండా బీజేపీ పూర్తి మెజారిటీ సాధించి అధికారంలోకి వచ్చింది. ఇలా, పూర్తి ఆధిక్యం సాధించిన ఒక పార్టీకి లోక్‌సభలో ముస్లిం ఎంపీనే లేకపోవడం అనేది భారత దేశంలో మొదటిసారి జరిగింది. 2014 లోక్‌సభ ఎన్నికల్లో కేవలం 4 శాతం ముస్లిం ఎంపీలే ఎన్నికయ్యారు. దేశంలో 14.2 శాతం ఉన్న ముస్లిం జనాభా నిష్పత్తి ప్రకారం లోక్‌సభలో ఇప్పటివరకూ ముస్లింల అతి తక్కువ ప్రాతినిథ్యం ఇదే.

భారతదేశంలో అత్యధిక జనాభా ఉన్న ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్‌లో ముస్లిం జనాభా 19.2 శాతం. కానీ 2017 అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికల్లో బీజేపీ ఇక్కడ ఒక్క ముస్లిం అభ్యర్థిని కూడా నిలబెట్టలేదు. అయినా చాలా సులభంగా ఆ పార్టీ ఆధిక్యం సాధించింది. కాషాయం ధరించే యోగిని ఆ పార్టీ రాష్ట్రానికి ముఖ్యమంత్రి చేసినపుడు ముస్లింలకు పుండుపై కారం చల్లినట్టు అనిపించింది. యోగిపై ఎన్నో క్రిమినల్ కేసులు ఉన్నాయి. వీటిలో కులమతాల పేరుతో రెండు వర్గాల మధ్య చిచ్చు పెట్టిన (ఐపీసీ సెక్షన్ 153A) ఆరోపణ కూడా ఉంది.

గుజరాత్ ముస్లింల దారెటు?
రాముడి యాత్రలో ముందు నడిచిన ముస్లింలు
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
ముస్లింలు కేవలం భారతదేశ గత స్మృతులే కాదు
మెజారిటీ ప్రకారం ఎక్కడ నిర్ణయాలు తీసుకుంటారో, ఆ ప్రజాస్వామ్య వ్యవస్థలో హక్కులు పంపకాలు, స్వతంత్ర న్యాయవ్యవస్థ, చట్టబద్ధమైన పాలన, నిష్పక్ష మీడియా లాంటి వ్యవస్థలు ఉండవు. ఇలాంటి చోట మైనారిటీల కష్టాలు పెరుగుతాయి. ఈ పరిస్థితులు మెజారిటీ వర్గాలను నిరంకుశత్వం వైపు తీసుకెళ్తాయి. ఈరోజు కూడా భారత రాజ్యాంగం దేశ పౌరులకు అతిపెద్ద రక్షణగా నిలుస్తోంది. కానీ, ఒక ప్రతిపాదిత చట్టం, మతాలకు అతీతమైన దేశంలో పార్లమెంటు పునాదులను బలహీనం అయ్యేలా చేయగలదు. ప్రతిపాదిత పౌరసత్వం (సవరణ) బిల్లు 2016లో పాకిస్తాన్, బంగ్లాదేశ్, ఆప్ఘనిస్తాన్ నుంచి వచ్చే హిందువులు, సిక్కులు, బౌద్ధులు, జైనులు, పార్శీలు, చివరికి క్రైస్తవులకు కూడా భారత పౌరసత్వం ఇవ్వడం గురించి ప్రస్తావించారు. కానీ ఈ దేశాల నుంచి వచ్చే ముస్లిం శరణార్థులకు పౌరసత్వం ఇవ్వడంపై మాత్రం నిషేధం విధించాలన్నారు.

ఈ విద్వేషంతో ప్రజల్లో ఆందోళన పెరుగుతోంది. కానీ ఈ పరిస్థితిలో మార్పు తీసుకురావడానికి ప్రస్తుత మెయిన్ స్ట్రీమ్ రాజకీయాల్లో భారీ మార్పులు తీసుకురావాల్సిన అవసరం ఉంది. దానితోపాటూ భారతీయుల ఆలోచనల్లో కూడా మార్పు రావాల్సి ఉంటుంది. అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్న మైనారిటీలు ముఖ్యంగా మైనారిటీ ముస్లింలు కేవలం భారతదేశ గత స్మృతులే కాదు, దాని ప్రజాస్వామ్య భవిష్యత్తుకు కూడా అవసరమే. ఈ అంశాన్ని అవగతం చేసుకుని సుదీర్ఘ కాలంగా ఉన్న నిశ్శబ్దాన్ని భారతదేశం పటాపంచలు చేస్తుందనే ఆశ ఉంది.

Sunday 23 December 2018

Ranganath Misra Commission 2007 & Rajinder Sachar Committee 2006

Ranganath Misra Commission 2007 & Rajinder Sachar Committee 2006 

National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities (Justice Ranganath Misra Commission, 21 May 2007)   

10% quotas for Muslims and 5% for other minorities in government jobs and seats in educational institutions [1]
reserves 8.4% out of existing OBC quota of 27% for minorities
SC reservation to Dalit converts

10 years of Sachar Committee Report (30 November 2006) 

On March 2005, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had constituted a seven-member High Level Committee headed by former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Rajinder Sachar to study the social, economic and educational condition of Muslims in India. The committee submitted its report in 2006 and the report was available in public domain in November 30, 2006. The 403-page report had suggestions and solutions for the inclusive development of the Muslims in India.

Major Findings The report found a range of disabilities hampering the Muslim community in the country. It placed Indian Muslims below Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with respect to backwardness. It especially highlighted the poor representation of the community in decision making positions like the IAS, IPS and in the police.

Main Recommendations The main recommendations made by the Sachar committee before 10 years to address the status of the Muslim community are: 
Constituting an Equal Opportunity Commission to look into grievances of deprived groups such as minorities in public bodies.

Establishing a nomination procedure to increase participation of minorities in public bodies. 

Creating a delimitation procedure which does not reserve constituencies with high minority population for SCs.

Establish mechanisms to link madarsas with higher secondary school board. 

Improve the employment share of Muslims.

Recognise degrees offered by madarsas in defence, civil and banking examinations. 

To create a National Data Bank where all relevant data for various Socio-religious communities are maintained.

UGC should evolve a system where part of the allocation to colleges and universities is linked to the diversity in the student population.

Reality Check After Ten Years 

Numerous articles have appeared in newspapers on the 10th year of this report. Our current discussion is on a reality check if there has been any major changes in conditions of Indian Muslims. On ground, there have not been any major changes and in some parameters the things have worsened. Here is a brief overview:

With respect to Jobs 
IAS and IPS 
Sachar Committee had highlighted the need to increase the share of Muslims in IAS and IPS. The committee had recorded the share of Muslims in the IAS and IPS to be 3% and 4% respectively. However, Ten years on, as per the data of the Home Ministry, the corresponding  figures increased only marginally to 3.32% and 3.19% respectively as of January 2016. An analysis of the government data shows that fall in Muslim representation in the IPS was because of a reduction in the  share of Muslim promote officers in the IPS.

Police In 2005, the share of Indian Muslims in India’s police forces is 7.63% and it fell to 6.27% in 2013. Following the deterioration, the government has stopped releasing data on police personnel broken down by religion.

Work participation The work participation rate among Muslims has increased only marginally over the years. For men, the rate increased from 47.5% in 2011. The increase of 24.69% in the population of Muslims is the smallest ever recorded between the two censuses. Similarly, the population of Muslims in urban centres too remained higher than the national average as enumerated in both Censuses.

Sex ratio 
Sex ratio among Indian Muslims remained better in both the 2001 and 2011 Censuses.

Saturday 15 December 2018

YSR MLAs Defected to TDP

YSR MLAs Defected to TDP

YSR Congress party won 67 in last assembly elections.
Out 67, 23 MLA’s left party and joined in TDP.

1.        N. Amaranath Reddy, Palamaner
2.        Chadipirala Adinarayana Reddy, Jammalamadugu
3.        Bhuma Nagi Reddy, Nandyal
4.        Bhuma Akhila Priya Reddy, Allagadda
5.        Budda Raja Sekhara Reddy, Srisailam
6.        S.V. Mohan Reddy, Kurnool
7.        Muthumula Ashok Reddy, Giddalur
8.        Attar Chand Basha, Kadiri
9.        Jaleel Khan, Vijayawada West
10.    Varupula Subbarao, Prathipadu
11.    Jyothula Nehru, Jaggampeta
12.    Vantala Rajeswari, Rampachodavaram
13.    Thiriveedi Jayaramulu, Badvel
14.    Uppuleti Kalpana, Pamarru
15.    M. Mani Gandhi, Kodumur
16.    Pasim Sunil Kumar, Gudur
17. Pothula Ramarao, Kandukur
18. Gottipati Ravikumar, Addanki
19. David Raju Palaparth, Yerragondapalem
20. Kalamata Venkata Ramana Murthy, Pathapatnam
21. Kidari Sarveswara Rao, Araku Valley
22. Eswari Giddi, Paderu
23. Venkata Sujay Krishna Ranga Rao Ravu, Bobbili

Due to sudden demise of Bhuma Nagi Reddy, his brothers son Bhuma Brahmananda Reddy elected as MLA from TDP in August 2017.

Veteran Cong leader M M Hashim dies in US

Veteran Cong leader M M Hashim dies in US 
TNN | 24 Dec 2013

HYDERABAD: Former home minister and a popular Congress leader from the city M M Hashim passed away on Sunday morning  in Washington where he was staying for several years. 

Hashim, 92, was suffering from multiple ailments, for the last three years. He is survived by his wife, two sons and four daughters. 

A close friend of former chief minister M Channa Reddy, Hashim was a leading figure in the 1969 Telangana agitation.he was a member of the Legislative Assembly in 1962 and 1967.  He won the Secunderabad Lok Sabha seat in 1969 on the ticket of Telangana Praja Samithi. He won the seat again in the following election. 

In 1979 when Channa Reddy became chief minister, he chose Hashim as his home minister. In 1989 when Channa Reddy became CM for the second time, he invited Hashim from the US where the latter was staying with his children, and made him member of Rajya Sabha. 

Earlier in 1960, Hashim, a resident of Mallepally in Hyderabad tasted defeat at the hands of the late MIM president Salahuddin Owaisi when he fought for the Municipal Corporation Elections.  However the two rival, representing two defferent schools of political thoughts were also good friends. Hashim was known for his wit in Hyderabadi lingo. 

He was laid to rest in Washington late on Sunday. 

Sunday 2 December 2018

Congress Should Remember, There Is No Turning Back on the ‘Soft Hindutva’ Highway

Congress Should Remember, There Is No Turning Back on the ‘Soft Hindutva’ Highway
The grand old party needs to do some course correction if it doesn’t want to become a pale shadow of the BJP.

Congress Should Remember, There Is No Turning Back on the ‘Soft Hindutva’ Highway
The Congress was well poised to take on the government on Hindutva, but its response has been weak and listless. Credit: Twitter/INC

Sidharth Bhatia
Sidharth Bhatia
The Congress is being accused of indulging in a ‘soft Hindutva’ strategy to woo Hindu voters – so goes the accusation against the party, for which secularism has been a fundamental tenet for most of its existence. Now, say its critics, the party, right from the top, is sending out signals about its commitment to ‘Hindu causes’, mainly by creating photo-ops.

Thus, the party president visits temples, the national party leadership mildly expresses a difference of opinion with the Kerala unit’s support to the Sabarimala temple which is defying a Supreme Court order to allow women inside and its spokesmen declare that the Rahul Gandhi is a ‘janeu-dhari (sacred thread wearing) Brahmin’. All this to assure the Hindus – at least the upper castes among them – that the Congress is not against them and is no longer as robustly for the Muslims as in earlier times.

This, the party strategists no doubt believe, will assuage not just the anxieties of the Hindu upper castes, who have always harboured a suspicion of the Congress, but also stave off accusations by the BJP that the grand old party is soft on Muslims. The Congress think tank, not particularly burdened by history or even the party’s core ideology, appears to have come up with this plan to outflank the BJP, thus taking away the sting of the Sangh parivar that the Nehru-Gandhi family members are not just pro-Muslim, but perhaps also Muslims themselves. There are countless WhatsApp messages saying just that, which credulous people are ready to believe.

Also read: Is Populism Synonymous with the Right-Wing?

Thus, the Congress may well rationalise – an argument that is reasonably valid – that it is an instrumentalist tactic to win over the electorate and that all is fair in elections. This does not mean that the Congress will turn to the kind of hard Hindutva practiced by the Sangh parivar – it will not subvert institutions, it will not change history books and as for the minorities, their interests will not be compromised. The Congress is still committed to taking along everybody and if anything, will go that extra mile to help the weak and the marginalised.

Under the banyan tree that was Jawaharlal Nehru, all kinds of opinions prospered, some in rabid opposition to each other.
The Congress has always been all things to all people. It is more an umbrella organisation harbouring different views and interests that often appear at odds with each other. During the freedom movement and after India became independent, it had stalwarts who were right wing and others who were socialists. The upholders of Hindu interests rubbed shoulders with secularists. Some spoke up for the country’s industrialists, some wanted to nationalise big industries. Under the banyan tree that was Jawaharlal Nehru, all kinds of opinions prospered, some in rabid opposition to each other. It was the original coalition, representing India in all its glorious diversity.

This flexibility allowed it to take positions and institute policies that appeared to be totally contradictory to each other. In the late 1960s and early ‘70s, the Indira Gandhi government nationalised banks and oil companies and took an even sharper Left turn in its economic policy – the young turks, socialists all, were gunning for big business groups and by all accounts, Mrs Gandhi encouraged them to speak out. Yet, in 1993, the Narasimha Rao government introduced widespread economic reforms, liberalising the economy and doing away with the licence-permit raj. Under UPA-I, the government pursued the reformist agenda but at the same time, it set up MGNREGA, one of the most ambitious social welfare schemes ever. Deep down, the Congress has always been a party with a socialist heart and has never failed to remind this to its more economically liberal leaders.

Also read: Why Can’t You Separate Religion From Politics: Open Letter to Rahul Gandhi

With secularism, the relationship has been more complicated. The Muslims had faith in the Congress for a long time, but slowly grew disillusioned and began looking elsewhere. Serious riots took place under the Congress’s watch and perhaps the party’s most shameful hour was the massacre of innocent Sikhs after the assassination of Mrs Gandhi in 1984. The ad campaign of the time blatantly suggested that a section of the minorities was not to be trusted – the party cannot and should not be proud of it. The Babri Masjid came down on Rao’s watch.

Muslims today are being made to feel unwanted, second-class citizens at best, who can exist in the country only subject to them accepting their lower status.
But despite its serious transgressions, the Congress has never openly advocated an anti-minority line. The all-round and vicious assault on the minorities, as is being witnessed now, was never seen before 2014, not even under the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government. The Congress has much to answer for, but no partyman or woman ever gave statements and sound bites against Muslims. Muslims today are being made to feel unwanted, second-class citizens at best, who can exist in the country only subject to them accepting their lower status.

In this venal environment, what was needed was an all-round attack and condemnation of what this government and the entire ecosystem around it – the Sangh parivar, including the head office and the sundry subsidiary organisations – has engendered in India. The BJP and its masters have made no secret of how much they abhor secularism and have done everything in their power to discredit it, warning even that they are ready to do away with the very term in the constitution. That noble document, as it stands today, is the only thing that lies between them and a Hindutva rashtra that will surely follow should the party return to power in strength.

Also read: As Congress Seizes the Moment in Telangana, Sonia and Rahul Gandhi Appear Confident

The Congress was well poised to take on the government on Hindutva, but its response has been weak and listless. Rahul Gandhi has tried to point out the difference between Hinduism and Hindutva but that is not enough – instead of scoring semantic points, he would have done better if he had strongly repudiated the very idea of invoking religion for politics. Instead he and his party are doing everything to create optics around Hinduism.

The grand old party must realise that this move away from its fundamental tenets is not merely for the short term. It will find it difficult to switch back and talk about secularism. The constituency it is appealing to – upper caste Hindus – will demand that the party remain on that path and the vulnerable minorities will lost faith in it for a long time. It’s time that the Congress did some course correction if it doesn’t want to become a pale shadow of the BJP and give up everything it once stood for.

2019 లోక్ సభ ఎన్నికల్లో రెండే ఆప్షన్లు కఠిన హిందూత్వ, మెతక హిదూత్వ.

2019 లోక్ సభ ఎన్నికల్లో రెండే ఆప్షన్లు కఠిన హిందూత్వ, మెతక హిదూత్వ.

Gandhian socialism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Gandhian socialism is the branch of socialism based on the nationalist interpretation of the theories of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhian socialism generally centres on Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule authored by Gandhi.

Federation of political and economical power and demonstrating a traditionalist reluctance towards the modernisation of technology and large scale industrialisation whilst emphasising self-employment and self-reliance are key features of Gandhian socialism.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and other party leaders incorporated Gandhian socialism as one of the concepts for the party.[1][2]

Goodbye Gandhian socialism: BJP with Conservative, Christian democrats?
BJP is now a member of an international coalition of political parties - IDU
Archis Mohan |  New Delhi 
Last Updated at January 16, 2017 16:23 IST
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To some of his critics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has jettisoned his earlier promise of reform, job growth and supporting private enterprise and adopted ‘garib kalyan’, or welfare of the poor, as the leitmotif of his government. His government's demonetization decision has even been described as Stalinist. But his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) doesn’t consider itself a party of ‘Gandhian socialism’ anymore.

It is now a member of an international coalition of political parties, the International Democratic Union (IDU), that comprise "Conservative, Christian democrat and like-minded political parties of the centre and centre right.”

Vijay Chauthaiwale, the chief of the Overseas Friends of the BJP (OFBJP), the party’s overseas outreach wing, is currently in Munich, Germany, to attend a three-day meeting of the IDU's executive committee. This will be the first meeting of IDU’s executive committee that will have a BJP representation after it joined the organisation in February last year.

Chauthaiwale told Business Standard that he doesn't see any inconsistency in Modi government's pursuit of policies for the welfare of the poor, but also espousing the cause of economic reforms. "I don't see any contradiction. For example, we are for ease of doing business, which will generate more employment to poor and needy. At the same time, poor in our country need helping hand to provide them good health, sanitation, education, skill development and job opportunities. The BJP government is working on both these aspects and they are complimentary to each other," Chauthaiwale said.

The OFBJP chief said that even "Modi government's reforms, may it be in the power sector, providing clean fuel to the poor, enabling common men to be part of digital economy are meant to empower poor and also bring efficiency and transparency in the governance."

The IDU describes itself as a working association of over “80 Conservative, Christian democrat and like-minded political parties of the centre and centre right.” It was founded in 1983 by such founding members as then British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, then US vice president George Bush Senior, Jacques Chirac, who was then the mayor of Paris and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, among others.

The IDU’s members include the Conservative Party of Canada, the Republican Party of the US, the British Conservative Party, Australia’s Liberal Party, Taiwan’s The Kuomintang, and others. In India’s immediate neighbourhood, its members are Sri Lankan United National Party and Mohamed Nasheed-headed Maldivian Democratic Party. The addition of BJP to its list of members was recognised by IDU as a shot in the arm. The BJP, which was founded in 1980 on the tenet of 'Gandhian socialism' is the only member of IDU from India.

In contrast, the Congress party is part of the Progressive Alliance, which is an international alliance of social democratic and progressive political parties. The only other member of this from India is Uttar Pradesh based Samajwadi Party. The Progressive Alliance was founded in May 2013 and has 140 members.

Several of its members had broken away from the Socialist International to oppose the latter which have as its members political parties that ran undemocratic regimes and involved in human rights violations. The Socialist International website continues to count the Indian National Congress as a member.
The IDU ‘principles’ include commitment to political liberty, personal freedom, the right to free elections and the freedom to organise effective parliamentary opposition to government and the right to an independent media. It commits to support the institution of the family as a fundamental social and cohesive force.

It states that “political democracy and private property are inseparable components of individual liberty” and that the socially-oriented market economy provides the best means of creating wealth and material prosperity. It advocates low taxation and consumer choice and is aware “to the threats posed by the extreme Left and the extreme Right.”

Four decades of BJP and Gandhian Socialism
 JS - BJP had to face rough weather during Pt Nehru and Indira era  The charismatic leadership of Modi could reach BJP to new heights
Dr. Hari Desai Monday 02nd April 2018 04:55 EDT

Basically, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which was established on 6 April 1980, with the concept of party with a difference and slogan of Gandhian Socialism, has changed many colours but has retained the tag of being called a saffron brigade since the backbone of BJP has always been the Rashtriya Swayamsevaka Sangh(RSS). A Tilakite Congressman, Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar from Nagpur established RSS as a Hindu Cultural brigade and his successor, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar (Guruji), felt the need to establish a political party with former Hindu Mahasabha President, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, at the helm of the affairs and Sangh Pracharaka, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, as his lieutenant in 1951. Mookerjee was the Finance Minister in the Bengal Ministry during 1941-42. He was also the Union Minister for Industries and Commerce in Nehru Ministry after independence.

The Jan Sangh and its new avtar, BJP, continued to face rough weather during Nehru and Indira era but could call the shots in post-Emergency Janata Party government headed by Morarji Desai during 1977-79 since it had 93 MPs. After the downfall of Desai Ministry and the rift within Janata Party on the issue of affiliation with RSS, the BJP was established in April 1980. It was blessed by Justice Mohammed Currim Chagla, former Chief Justice of Bombay High Court who remained the Union Minister in Nehru Government as well as Indira Ministry, in the first convention of BJP in December 1980 at Mumbai. Justice Chagla saw BJP as “the alternative that can replace the present (Indira Gandhi) Government.” Thanks to the liberal Atal Bihari Vajpayee as the first President of the BJP, the Gandhian Socialism was incorporated as the policy concept despite open defiance of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia, the founder Vice President, and Bhairo Singh Shekhawat, the late Vice President of India and the most popular Chief Minister of Rajasthan. This writer, who covered the convention as a political correspondent of Hindusthan Samachar, the Hindi National News Agency run by RSS and headed by Rajmata Scindia, was fortunate to interview both the stalwarts of the BJP then. Hindutva or Cultural Nationalism presents the BJP's conception of Indian nationhood. It must be noted that Hindutva is a nationalist, and not a religious or theocratic, concept for BJP leaders.

At a later stage the saffron party got rid of Gandhian Socialism but Vajpayee continued to stick to it even after he lost the power at the Centre in 2004. In September 2004, when the book “The Quest, The Hurdles: A Socialist Testament" by Chandra Sekhar, former PM, was being launched in the presence of another former PM, I. K. Gujral, Vajapyee asked why the nation had stopped talking about socialism. "It is in the preamble of our Constitution and is a guiding goal for all parties. For the Bharatiya Janata Party, Gandhian socialism is what we want to achieve and make society free of exploitation and full of opportunities. So, we need to start this debate again," he said.

Thanks to the Rathyatra politics and Ram Mandir issue, the saffron party could come to power at the Centre under the leadership of Vajpayee with 24 parties in the coalition. PM Vajpayee and Deputy PM Advani could make a good team. Of course, the team lost to the coalition headed by Congress with Dr. Manmohan Singh as the PM from May 2004 to May 2014. Today the BJP with nearly 11 crore members is considered the largest political party in the world under the leadership of its charismatic Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Like the earlier team of Dr. Mookerjee and Pandit Deendayal as well as Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani, present day BJP has a perfect team of PM Modi and the National President Amit Shah. One of the Margadarshak Mandal members of BJP, Advani explains: “Bharatiya Janata Party is the primary member of the family of organisations known as the "Sangh Parivar". It has risen to become one of the strongest national-level parties in the country based on its progressive agenda of focusing on overall speedy growth of the nation. The party has always remained indefatigable in its approach to national unity, integrity, identity and strength through its individual and national character. The BJP, which is nurtured by and akin to the Rashtria Swyamsevak Sangh (RSS), is wedded to India’s intrinsic identity and cultural fabric of unity and distinctiveness that have been the hallmark of this great country and its people for millennia. The BJP, today, is all set for a great leap forward which can bring about a paradigm-shift in the life of every Indian, so much so as to rewrite the history of this great nation in a way that its future generations would be proud of. Even the party’s detractors now believe that Bharatiya Janata party has transformed into an ‘unstoppable’ force.”

From single digit number in the Lok Sabha in 1984, the party has successfully scored absolute majority in the House of 545 and still managed to keep the coalition partners in the ruling National Democratic Alliance(NDA). It has 21 states out of 35 under NDA wings. Various state assembly elections and the next Lok Sabha election in 2019 are to judge the performance of the NDA Government headed by PM Modi. For the party with discipline cadres of Sangh Parivar, the lines of the poetry by Robert Frost are considered ideal: “And Miles to go before I sleep.”

Next Column: Jain King Kharavela, the Great Kalinga Ruler
(The writer is a Socio-political Historian. E-mail: )

‘పక్షిరాజ’కు ప్రేరణ ఎక్కడి నుంచి వచ్చిందో తెలుసా.?

‘పక్షిరాజ’కు ప్రేరణ ఎక్కడి నుంచి వచ్చిందో తెలుసా.?
Updated : 02-Dec-2018 : 20:22

సూపర్‌స్టార్ రజనీకాంత్, అక్షయ్‌కుమార్‌లు ప్రధాన పాత్రలో.. శంకర్ దర్శకత్వంలో తెరకెక్కిన భారీ బడ్జెట్ చిత్రం ‘2.ఓ’. గురువారం విడుదలైన ఈ చిత్రం ప్రేక్షకులను అమితంగా ఆకట్టుకుంటోంది. అయితే ఈ చిత్రం చూసిన ప్రతీ ఒక్కరిని ఆకర్షించిన పాత్ర ‘పక్షిరాజ’. సినిమా అంతా ఒక ఎత్తైతే.. ఈ పాత్ర ఒకటి ఒకెత్తు అనడంలో ఎటువంటి అతిశయోక్తి లేదు. తమిళనాడుకి చెందిన పక్షి ప్రేమికుడు సలీం అలీని ఆదర్శంగా తీసుకొని ఈ పాత్రను సృష్టించారు దర్శకుడు శంకర్.

అదేస్థాయిలో పక్షిరాజ మేకప్ కూడా ఉంది. మొబైల్ ఫోన్లన్ని కలిసి పక్షిరాజు రెక్కలుగా మారడం.. అతని ముఖంపై పక్షికి ఉన్న విధంగా ఈకలు ఉండటం.. ఇలా ఈ గెటప్‌లో ప్రతీది నిజంగా పక్షిని తలపించేలా మేకోవర్ చేశారు.

అయితే ఈ గెటప్‌కి రామాయణంలోని పక్షిరాజైన ‘జటాయువు’ రూపాన్ని ఆదర్శంగా తీసుకుని సినిమాలోని ‘పక్షిరాజ’ పాత్రని రూపొందించారు. ఈ విషయం తెలుపు ఫిలిమ్ కరస్పాండెంట్ రాజశేఖర్ ట్వీట్ చేశారు. ‘‘ఎడమవైపు చిత్రంలో ఉన్న పక్షిరాజైన జటాయువు.. కుడివైపు ఉన్నని భయంకరమైన అక్షయ్ కుమార్ పక్షిరాజ లుక్. ఇది చూస్తే శంకర్ డీటేలింగ్ ఏస్థాయిలో ఉందో అర్థమవుతోంది’’ అని ఆయన రెండు చిత్రాలతో కలిపి ట్వీట్ చేశారు. ప్రస్తుతం ఈ ట్వీట్ వైరల్ అవుతోంది.

Saturday 1 December 2018

అసద్ టీఆర్ ఎస్ - అక్బర్‌ మహాకూటమి

అసద్ టీఆర్ ఎస్ -  అక్బర్‌ మహాకూటమి
02-12-2018 04:04:04

కర్ణాటకలో కుమారస్వామే ఆదర్శం
ఎనిమిది సీట్లు గెలిస్తే మనమే సీఎం
పాతబస్తీ సభల్లో అక్బర్‌ వ్యాఖ్యలు
హైదరాబాద్‌/హైదరాబాద్‌ సిటీ, డిసెంబరు 1(ఆంధ్రజ్యోతి): ‘‘డిసెంబరు 11 తర్వాత చక్రం తిప్పుతాం.. ముఖ్యమంత్రి ఎవరో డిసైడ్‌ చేస్తం. అంతా సవ్యంగా జరిగితే మ నమే ముఖ్యమంత్రి అవుదాం.. మనమే ఉద్యోగాలు ఇద్దాం...’’ ఈ మాటలన్నది ఎవరో కాదు. ఎంఐఎం కీలక నేత అక్బరుద్దీన్‌ ఒవైసీ. తెలంగాణ అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికల నోటిఫికేషన్‌ విడుదలైనప్పటి నుంచి ఇప్పటిదాకా పలు దఫాలుగా జరిగిన బహిరంగసభలో ఈయన వ్యాఖ్యలు రాజకీయ వర్గాల్లో ప్రకంపన లు సృష్టిస్తున్నాయి. 224 అసెంబ్లీ స్థానాలున్న కర్ణాటకలో 38 స్థానాలు గెలిచిన జేడీఎస్‌ నేత కుమారస్వామి ముఖ్యమంత్రి అయినప్పుడు 8 స్థానాలు గెలుచుకుంటే తానెందుకు ముఖ్యమంత్రి కాలేనని అక్బర్‌ అంటున్నారు. అక్బర్‌ ప్రకటనలు మజ్లిస్‌ మిత్రపక్షమైన టీఆర్‌ఎ్‌సకు మింగుడు పడటం లేదు. కర్ణాటకలో ఎన్నికల ఫలితాల ట్రెండ్‌ మొదలవగానే హంగ్‌ ఏర్పడుతోందని గ్రహించిన కాంగ్రెస్‌ మెరుపువేగంతో స్పందించింది. బీజేపీని అధికారంలో రానీయకుండా చూసేందుకు జేడీఎస్‌ నేత కుమారస్వామికి ముఖ్యమంత్రి పదవిని కట్టబెట్టింది. మహాకూటమి సాధారణ మెజారిటీకి ఆరేడు సీట్ల దూరంలో ఆగిపోతే తెలంగాణలోనూ కర్నాటకం రిపీట్‌ అవుతుందని అక్బర్‌ ఆశిస్తున్నారు. టీఆర్‌ఎస్‌ మళ్లీ అధికారంలోకి రావాలని, సీఎం కేసీఆర్‌ కా వాలని మజ్లిస్‌ అధినేత అసదుద్దీన్‌ ఒవైసీ ఒకపక్క రాష్ట్రమంతటా తిరిగి ప్రచా రం చేస్తుంటే మరోపక్క తమ్ముడు అక్బరుద్దీన్‌ భిన్నమైన ఎజెండాను ఉంచుతున్నారు. అధికారంలో ఉన్న పార్టీతో మం చిగా ఉండి పని చేయించుకోవడానికి బదులు మనమే అధికారానికి వద్దామని సభల్లో పిలుపునివ్వడంతో అందరి దృష్టీ ఒక్క సారిగా ఎంఐఎం మీద పడింది. అక్బర్‌ ప్రకటనలపై ఇప్పటిదాకా టీఆర్‌ఎస్‌ స్పందించలేదు.

సొంతంగా 280 సీట్లు రావు -

సొంతంగా 280 సీట్లు రావు - 
02-12-2018 03:15:57

కాంగ్రెస్‌, బీజేపీలపై అసదుద్దీన్‌ ఆగ్రహం
ఏపీలో ఆ పార్టీలకు ఒక్క ఎంపీ సీటూ రాదు
జాతీయ మీడియాతో ఎంఐఎం అధినేత ఒవైసీ
హైదరాబాద్‌, డిసెంబరు 1 (ఆంధ్రజ్యోతి): కాంగ్రెస్‌, బీజేపీ సొంతంగా 280 స్థానాలు గెలుచుకుంటాయన్న నమ్మకం తనకు లేదని ఎంఐఎం అధినేత అసదుద్దీన్‌ ఒవైసీ అన్నారు. కాంగ్రెస్‌ సొంతంగా 120 స్థానాలు సాధిస్తే కేసీఆర్‌, అసదుద్దీన్‌ల అవసరమే ఉండదన్నారు. దేశాన్ని నడిపించే సామర్థ్యం, సత్తా ఉన్న నేతలు మోదీ, రాహుల్‌ మాత్రమే కాదని, చాలామంది ఉన్నారని అన్నారు. శనివారం ఆయన జాతీయ మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ.. కాంగ్రెస్‌, బీజేపీలపై తీవ్ర వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు. ఏపీలో కాంగ్రెస్‌, బీజేపీకి ఒక్క లోక్‌సభ స్థానం కూడా రాదని జోస్యం చెప్పారు. పోటీ అంతా టీడీపీ, వైసీపీల మఽధ్యే ఉంటుందని, సరైన వ్యుహాంతో జగన్‌ వ్యవహరిస్తే మొత్తం సీట్లు ఆయనే గెలుచుకుంటారని అన్నారు. ఎంఐఎంకు టీఆర్‌ఎస్‌ పార్టీ బీఫ్‌ బిర్యానీ వడ్డిస్తుందన్న బీజేపీ అధ్యక్షుడు అమిత్‌ షా వ్యాఖ్యలపై అసదుద్దీన్‌ మండిపడ్డారు. మీ సిద్ధాంతాల ప్రకారం బిర్యాని అంటే ఇష్టపడకపోవచ్చు కానీ తన ఆహారపుటలవాట్లను ప్రశ్నించే హక్కు బీజేపీకి లేదన్నారు. బీజేపీకి ఎంఐఎం, టీఆర్‌ఎస్‌ పార్టీలు ‘బీ’ టీమ్‌గా వ్యవహరిస్తున్నాయన్న కాంగ్రెస్‌ అధ్యక్షుడు రాహుల్‌ గాంధీ వ్యాఖ్యలపై కూడా ఆగ్రహం వ్యక్తం చేశారు. గతంలో కాంగ్రెస్‌ ‘ఎఫ్‌’ టీమ్‌లో ఉన్నామని, భవిష్యత్తులో తాము ‘ఏ’ టీమ్‌కు వెళతామని అన్నారు. బీజేపీతో ఎట్టిపరిస్థితుల్లోనూ పొత్తు ఉండదని కేసీఆర్‌, కేటీఆర్‌ స్పష్టం చేశారన్నారు. ఇక గులాంనబీ ఆజాద్‌ కాంగ్రెస్‌ పార్టీకి గులామ్‌ అని వ్యాఖ్యానించారు. తన అహంకార పూరిత ధోరణితో హైదరాబాదీలను ఆజాద్‌ కించపరిచారని ఆగ్రహం వ్యక్తం చేశారు.

M.J. Akbar to Kathua: Decoding the silence of Teflon-coated Narendra Modi

M.J. Akbar to Kathua: Decoding the silence of Teflon-coated Narendra Modi
D.K. SINGH 15 October, 2018

File image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi | Atul Yadav/PTI
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The irony is Narendra Modi used to mock his predecessor, Manmohan Singh, for his silence, calling him ‘Maunmohan’.

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed office in May 2014, he kept thinking that he was new to Delhi and people believed he would take a year or two to understand the intricacies of the government’s functioning. After a month in office, he revealed that the thought did not exist in his mind any longer. He took no time to figure out the snakes-and-ladder games played in Lutyens’ Delhi.

Over four years since then, trust Modi to predict the next moves of the veteran players of this game, but the latter still seem clueless about his game. What else could explain the haste to declare the political epitaph of union minister M.J. Akbar in TV studios and newspapers!

He was widely anticipated to be the biggest catch of the #MeToo movement, but he just dismissed all the allegations of sexual harassment against him, giving it a political colour by linking them with the general elections a few months away. Akbar’s (read Modi’s and Amit Shah’s) decision to brazen it out should come as no surprise. When was the last time Modi or Shah sacrificed a trusted lieutenant under pressure from opposition parties?

Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh had exposed their vulnerability by sacrificing then-external affairs minister Natwar Singh in the alleged oil-for-food scam early in the UPA’s first term (in December 2005). Having tasted blood, the BJP, the principal opposition party at that time, went on to force the Congress leadership to drop union ministers and chief ministers – Shivraj Patil, A.R. Antulay, Ashok Chavan and A. Raja – among others. Sonia Gandhi is said to rue those decisions now. Modi and Shah learnt their lessons from her ‘mistake’.  Nobody in the NDA government or the BJP can do any wrong now.

And that explains Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s silence, yet again. He hasn’t said a word on the #MeToo movement, not even to defend Akbar.

Also read: By removing M.J. Akbar from his government, Narendra Modi must do our dirty job

He was silent when BJP leaders and sympathisers in Jammu were holding marches in support of the accused in the rape and murder of an eight-year-old child in Kathua. He was silent when there was a nationwide outrage over Yogi Adityanath government’s inaction against rape accused and BJP MLA from Unnao, Kuldeep Singh Sengar, despite the rape survivor’s attempted suicide outside his residence and the alleged murder of her father.

Modi spoke on these incidents after weeks. That’s the norm, not an aberration. His responses to controversial incidents, especially the ones involving those associated with the BJP or the Sangh affiliates, have been usually belated, often indirect and vague, and at times evasive.

Modi as well as the ruling BJP’s entire central leadership have chosen to look the other way as BJP leader and actor Kollam Thulasi declares that women who dare enter Sabarimala temple should be “torn into two pieces”. They did the same when external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj was at the receiving end of trolls, many of whom are said to be followed by the Prime Minister.

The irony is Modi, when he was aspiring for the top job in Delhi, used to mock his predecessor, Manmohan Singh, for his silence, calling him ‘Maunmohan’. Singh’s political mentor, former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao, was known to speak through his silence. Interactions with Modi’s ministerial and party colleagues familiar with his thoughts and views on different issues suggest that his silence is not strategic as Rao’s was. It’s not blithe indifference either. The reason is a mélange of factors –past experience, strong self-preservation instincts, combativeness, and confidence or self-belief bordering on conceit.

Also read: The curious silences of Modi: Kathua rape not the only case where PM chose not to speak

Under persistent attack from the media, the intelligentsia, civil rights activists and political adversaries since 2002 post-Godhra riots – which started when he was barely 20 weeks in office as the Gujarat chief minister – Modi has developed deep apprehension about them.

When violence broke out at Bhima-Koregaon in Maharashtra early this year, he didn’t react although it involved Scheduled Castes whom the saffron party has been aggressively wooing. That was because of the belief at the top echelons of the government that it was a “bunch of JNU people”, and not commoners, who were trying to instigate them, an insider shared with this writer.

Similarly, the Prime Minister maintained a prolonged silence when four senior judges of the Supreme Court in January virtually rose in rebellion against the Chief Justice of India at that time. “Some media people then asked why he was not intervening. But if he said or did something, the same media would say ‘look, Modi is interfering in judiciary’. He knows the Delhi media,” said the insider.

The media, the ‘JNU people’ (broadly, the section of the intelligentsia who are perceived to be Left-leaning), the NGOs, and the opposition parties have all come to be seen – and projected – as purveyors of half-truths, if not outright falsehood. If the Prime Minister starts responding to every issue raised by them, he would be “playing into their hands”, say his lieutenants.

There is a pattern to Modi’s silence. When he himself is under attack from the opposition – say, on Rafale deal or Sahara diaries – he lets his ministers do the talking. He maintains prolonged silence when the BJP’s political interests are at stake, for instance the Kathua incident, which local BJP leaders sought to use to mobilise the majority community in Jammu, or the Unnao incident involving a BJP MLA. And when he does break his silence, it’s confined to generalities – “our daughters will definitely get justice”. The BJP hasn’t expelled Kuldeep Singh Sengar, the Unnao rape accused, from the party yet.

Also read: Is mandatory clause a smoking gun to make Rafale BJP’s Bofors or an opposition stretch?

Despite all the controversies and public outrage over a host of incidents, Modi has remained Teflon-coated. Veteran politician Sharad Pawar may be right that people have no doubts about his intentions in the Rafale deal. In fact, none of the allegations levelled against Modi by the opposition seem to have stuck. Surveys still find him the most popular leader in the country.

But the Prime Minister better start breaking his silence on issues agitating the minds of the people. A common refrain during conversations at tea stalls, restaurants and in metros nowadays (not in air-conditioned drawing rooms, mind you) is: “Modi is good, but he is surrounded by the wrong people”. And, that’s not a flattering assessment of a government six months before the next general elections.

Sign in  |  Create a Rediffmail account  » News » BJP has decided to use Assam as its key to 2019
BJP has decided to use Assam as its key to 2019
September 07, 2018 11:32 IST
'As demonetisation showed us, the Shah-Modi duo can take big risks.'
'Risking economic damage for political benefit, however, is one thing, stoking old fires in complicated Assam is another', warns Shekhar Gupta.

IMAGE: Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Anilchandra Shah at a rally in Kolkata where he attacked West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Congress President Rahul Gandhi for opposing the National Register of Citizens in Assam, asking them to 'clarify whether the country comes first or the vote bank'. Photograph: Swapan Mahapatra/PTI Photo
Don't ask me to tell you a story about Rwanda. Wikipedia would tell you more than me.

You might not even need me to tell you stories about the great massacre of Nellie 35 years ago. It's part of our political folklore now.

Let me tell you, instead, about less familiar places: Khoirabari, Gohpur, and Sipajhar. These places on the north bank of the Brahmaputra must be remembered when a deeply polarising debate over the National Register of Citizens in Assam is raging.

In the killings of 1983 in the Brahmaputra Valley, about 7,000 people died.

A little over 3,000 of these were Muslims, slaughtered in Nellie in a few hours on February 18 morning. The rest were scattered all over, and mostly Muslim.

In the three places we mentioned, those killed were almost all Hindu. And by fellow Hindus.

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Why we need to know the history behind NRC
So why were Hindus massacring Hindus if the anger was against 'foreign nationals' (read Muslims)?

Like most things in the north east, it's a complex story.

Let's lift the layers. The attacking Hindus were Assamese-speaking, those massacred were Bengalis.

The linguistic and ethnic hatred was as vicious as the communal bloodlust.

Where the two impulses got rolled into one, as in Bengali Muslim enclaves like Nellie, the story was simpler as Assamese Hindus killed Bengali Muslims.

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Everybody was at each other's throat.

The Bharatiya Janata Party, and a well-meaning Supreme Court have stirred the same deadly cocktail.

Four million people have failed to make the cut in the final NRC draft. They have been described differently, depending on whether the BJP is speaking as the government or a party.

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh says it's only an interim first draft.

Amit Shah in Parliament calls them 'ghuspethiyas' (infiltrators). How will you read this if you were on this list? You will feel targeted.

Next, the finance minister (and the real chief minister, never mind the title) of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma, told us that about a third of these 4 million are Hindus.

The BJP's solution: The new citizenship Bill, whereby Hindus and Sikhs from neighbouring countries would be given Indian citizenship as a norm.

Even if this law passes, let's see how the 'indigenous' Assamese react to this. This -- sharing space with Bengalis, Muslim or Hindu -- isn't what they wanted.

Remember, they were killing them both in 1983.

Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, a former chief minister, Asom Gana Parishad chief and a junior BJP ally now, has already expressed disagreement with this.

From all estimates, chances are that no more than half a million of these 4 million will ultimately be left out in the final tally. There's an anomaly in the process that can't sustain.

The Gauhati high court, in its wisdom, sanctified the 'indigenous' demand that certificates granted by village panchayats be not treated as proof of citizenship.

Now, what other evidence would these poorest of people bring from a pre-Aadhaar past? The state government didn't appeal against this. It would have ended all the fun, you see.

Someone else knocked at the Supreme Court's door. It didn't approve the high court order, but passed the buck back, asking the high court to draw up the norms for which panchayat certificates will be legitimate.

It was in this confusion that the Supreme Court rail-roaded the preparation of the NRC.

If any reasonable view is taken of these certificates, hardly any proven 'aliens' will remain. This isn't what the BJP would want.

The court had gone by the spirit of the 1985 Rajiv-All Assam Students Union/All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad peace accord.

It promised an NRC with March 25, 1971, as the cut-off year for determining citizenship. What this meant was anybody who had come to India before that date would be a legitimate citizen.

This was based on the Indira-Mujib Agreement, whereby Bangladesh had agreed to take back all its 10 million or so refugees from India. Almost 80 per cent of these were Hindu.

Indira Gandhi wanted them all, Muslim and Hindu, to return.

It was in 1985, 33 years ago, when Rajiv Gandhi signed the accord with Assam agitators, promising the NRC on this basis. For all the various reasons, the NRC wasn't made until now.

Two more generations have grown since. Can you deport or disenfranchise them now? Even the BJP knows it won't happen.

If anybody from the BJP says there is no politics to it, ask them if they didn't hear Amit Shah's speech.

He is to be given full marks for transparency as he laid out his pitch for the 2019 campaign. Since claims of 'vikas' are always less tempting than its promise, 'nationalist'; polarisation will be the BJP's vehicle for a second term.

The issue in Assam will keep festering until then. The BJP will keep calling millions ghuspethiyas and, by implication, extend the insinuation to all Bengali-speaking Muslims in the country.

The expectation is that the 'secular' Opposition, pushed along by its Left-intellectual support base, would ultimately be baited into defending these and, by implication, the infiltrators.

The subtext will be: They are pro-Muslim and anti-national.

The Congress sees the trap, but doesn't have an answer.

If 2019 is set up as a vote for or against Muslims, the BJP has it in the bag.

Assam for Amit Shah, therefore, is just a giant dog whistle to rouse the 'nationalist' faithful all over the country.

Amit Shah and the BJP know their electoral politics better than anybody else. But do they know Assam?

I will take you back 35 years, to my little room in Guwahati's Nandan Hotel. My four visitors had an aura of power with humility. They were also bewildered.

The leader was K S Sudarshan, then bouddhik pramukh (intellectual chief) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. He rose to sarsanghachalak later.

A couple of the rest, north east 'specialists' in the RSS, now occupy key positions between the Sangh and the BJP government.

The reason they had sought me out was to figure out how come so many Bengali Hindus had been killed in the Assam riots early that month.

How can these Assamese not make the simple distinction between 'Muslim infiltrators and Hindu refugees'?

How could they kill so many Hindus in Khoirabari, Sudarshan asked.

I explained the ethnic and linguistic complexities in Assam which made the massacres, in a brutal way, secular. 'Kintu, Hindu toh arakshit hai (but the Hindu is unprotected),' Sudarshan said.

That conversation is recorded in my 1984 Assam: A Valley Divided (pages 121-22).

The RSS then launched a patient campaign to re-educate Assamese agitators. The last assembly election was the trophy of their success.

The BJP in Assam now consists almost entirely of former AASU and later AGP converts, including the chief minister and his more powerful colleague.

But like they did in their youth in 1983, they will again struggle to deliver on the NRC on RSS/BJP terms: Target Bengali Muslims, embrace the Hindus.

The BJP has decided to use Assam as its key to 2019. As demonetisation showed us, the Shah-Modi duo can take big risks.

Risking economic damage for political benefit, however, is one thing, stoking old fires in complicated Assam is another.

It's possible that things will remain calm, but if they don't, it will again be Hindu against Muslim; Assamese against Bengali, Hindu or Muslim; Hindu against Hindu; and Muslim against Muslim.

By Special Arrangement with The Print

'In 2019, RSS will declare India a Hindu Rashtra'
April 17, 2017 08:57 IST
'Putting Yogi Adityanath in the CM's seat two years before the 2019 Lok Sabha polls is something to be read carefully.'
'Opposition parties would be dishonest themselves and unfair to secular people if they failed to unite and work as a single force to defeat the BJP.'

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'Modi and RSS working for a Hindu Rashtra in India'

Justice (retd) Rajinder Sachar headed the Sachar Committee which studied the socio-economic and educational status of Muslims in India.

A champion of civil liberties for decades, the 93-year-old former chief justice of the Delhi high court spoke to M I Khan in Patna about India today.

In recent months, hate crimes against Muslims seem to have increased. Is it a reflection of rising intolerance or something else?

Oh yes, hate crimes against Muslims are rising, but it is not mere intolerance. It is far worse than intolerance.

As a matter of fact, this danger has become further catastrophic after the BJP's (Bharatiya Janata Party) victory in Uttar Pradesh.

The most dangerous signal came after Yogi Adityanath was made UP chief minister. It is part of a deliberate plan by the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh).

Let us not forget that (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi is only the face.

Earlier, he was chief minister in Gujarat. Thanks to corporate backing, he was propagated as a development man.

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Modi as PM hardly bothers to say a few words to check and control hate crimes against Muslims.

'Hindu middle class doesn't like anti-Muslim rhetoric'
The RSS has now made up its mind that 2019 is its target to declare India a Hindu Rashtra after the BJP returns to power, I think the danger of which is not being realised by the Opposition parties.

Putting Yogi Adityanath in the CM's seat two years before the 2019 Lok Sabha polls is something to be read carefully.

All Hindus have nothing to do with the RSS and are not its supporters or sympathisers. They belong to different cultures, different traditions, have different food habits.

Why is the RSS so upbeat in your view?

Look, the BJP victory in UP has given more strength to the RSS. Now it controls a state with the largest number of seats in Parliament (the Lok Sabha).

Opposition parties would be dishonest themselves and unfair to secular people if they failed to unite and work as a single force to defeat the BJP.

What happens if the RSS pushes its agenda of a Hindu Rashtra?

It is not possible and when I say not possible, I mean there will be lots of resistance.

If India declared itself a Hindu Rashtra, it will not progress. There will certainly be resistance by Hindus themselves in different parts of the country. They will be the biggest hurdle.

A large number of people do not want a Hindu Rashtra at all. Today, there may only be a few people who are vocal against it.

(The Shiromani) Akali Dal in Punjab will never want a Hindu Rashtra. It will not support it.

Minorities, not only Muslims, but Christians and Sikhs are also against it.

Who wanted the British empire? Nobody wanted British rule. Ultimately, people fought against it and won.

'Not my Hinduism' should be our slogan
To avoid the danger of 2019, I would suggest that Opposition parties come together.

Take the case of Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. The CPI-M (Communist Party of India-Marxist) and Congress should realise that Mamata is more powerful than them like the BJD (Biju Janata Dal) is in Odisha, the RJD (Rashtriya Janata Dal) and the JD-U (Janata Dal-United) is in Bihar.

The Opposition only talks about stopping the BJP, but what practical measures are they taking to take it on?

BJP leaders including Union ministers have said Muslims should no longer be treated as a minority as their population has grown.

Not only Muslims, Christians, Jains, Sikhs are religious minorities. They are minorities because they belong to different religions with a population less than the majority community.

There is no question that Muslims will not be minorities in India.

If we remove the minority tag from Muslims, then we cannot be a member of the United Nations. The international community will boycott us.

It has been clearly mentioned in the UN's minority council that a special commission should be set up for minorities in each country. The council also recommended a targeted approach for the upliftment of the minority communities.

Union Minister of State Giriraj Singh has stated that the Muslim population in India has reached such a level that the minority tag should be removed from it.

According to the Sachar Committee report, at the end of the (this) century, the population of Muslims will consolidate at 18 to 19 per cent approximately. Even in this scenario, the population of Hindus will remain at about 80 per cent.

The latest figures have revealed that Muslims have a lower birth rate than others including Hindus in the last decade.

Modi and Muslims need a political outreach
A decade after the Sachar Committee submitted its recommendations, the RSS and BJP say the move to constitute such a committee to study the socio-economic status of Muslims was a wrong approach in a secular country.

But the reference to the Sachar Committee categorically specified that it was tasked to collect the comparative figures of poverty, education, service of Muslims vis-a-vis upper caste Hindus, Other Backward Classes and Dalits. So, it was a comprehensive report. It was clearly not a communal approach.

The report was not only for the Muslims. The report mainly highlighted Muslims because if you look at the parameters -- education, poverty, health and others -- they were at the bottom of the table.

One of the most important recommendations of the Sachar Committee report was the setting up of an equal opportunities commission. This exists in the United Kingdom and the United States.

There is also talk about Muslim appeasement.

The socio-economic status of Muslims is very low and poor. Muslims are still deprived and marginalised. You can see it for yourself if you visit any town across the country.

If you are improving the lives of Dalits, who are Hindus, then can you call it appeasement?

Like any other community, Muslims are citizens of this country. Their condition is improving, but there is urgent need for an equality commission.

Muslims have been part of this country for centuries, large numbers of Muslims have converted (in the past) for different reasons.

Swami Vivekananda said they (the Muslims) converted because they were in the worst conditions.

Hindus and Muslims coming together, Vivekananda said, is the only remedy for India.

RSS is a lot more diverse than it used to be: Author Walter Andersen
By Charmy Harikrishnan, ET Bureau|Aug 04, 2018, 11.00 PM IST

Constructing Muslim Enemy : RSS/BJP game plan for 2019 parliamentary elections

New Delhi: The next Indian parliamentary elections slated for the first half of 2019 (though some political commentators believe that this election may not take place if Modi finds that he would not win) are going to be held on the issue of the persecuted 'Hindus' versus appeasement of minorities, specially, 'Muslims', if the Hindutva juggernaut continues its bloody run as per the plan of the RSS/BJP rulers of India. The RSS which immediately after Narendra Modi's ascendency to power in 2014 had declared that latter's rule was return of the Hindu rule after one thousand years, and with this 'Hindu rule', Hindu nation would be cleansed of Muslims by 2021.

The Hindutva zealots though had declared 2021 as the deadline for converting the Indian democratic-secular Republic into a Hindu state/nation seemed to be in an extra-ordinary hurry. With Modi's coming to power, violence against Muslims and Christians and their religious institutions instantly increased many-fold. These were not physical attacks only but also a brazen nation-wide campaign of converting Muslims and Christians to Hinduism named as 'ghar wapasi' was unleashed patronized by the State and glorified by the media in general. In less than a year of Modi rule, Julio Ribeiro (renowned retired IPS officer who served as Mumbai police commissioner, DGP Gujarat and DGP Punjab and as former Indian ambassador to Romania) expressed anguish [The Indian Express, March 17, 2015] against the Hindutva zealots in the following words:

'Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a stranger in my own country. The same category of citizens who had put their trust in me to rescue them from a force they could not comprehend have now come out of the woodwork to condemn me for practicing a religion that is different from theirs. I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the eyes of the proponents of the Hindu Rashtra.'

He was clear about those who were patronizing such criminal elements against the Christian population, a mere 2 percent of the total populace, 'Is it coincidence or a well-thought-out plan that the systematic targeting of a small and peaceful community should begin only after the BJP government of Narendra Modi came to power last May? 'Ghar wapsi', the declaration of Christmas as 'Good Governance Day', the attack on Christian churches and schools in Delhi, all added to a sense of siege that now afflicts these peaceful people.'

Julio Ribeiro feared in the same write-up that 'if these extremists later turn their attention to Muslims, which seems to be their goal, they will invite consequences that this writer dreads to imagine'. In fact, the recent utterances and actions of the RSS/BJP rulers demonizing Indian Muslims despite the fact that the former took oath to protect democratic-secular polity make it clear that the fear of Ribeiro has proved to be absolutely true. The main opposition party Congress is being described a 'party of Muslims' as if Muslims were some kind of Untouchables to be hated and abandoned. How much disdain RSS/BJP has for Muslims was made clear during last UP assembly election when no Muslim (who constitute about 20% of the total electorate) was fielded by the BJP.

The hatred for Muslims is ingrained in the RSS/BJP rulers as this is what they have imbibed in the boudhik shivirs (ideological camps) conducted by RSS ideologues. The most prominent ideologue of RSS, Guru Golwalkar in his book, Bunch of Thoughts (holy book for RSS cadres) devoted a chapter (xiv) discussing 'Internal Threats' in which all Indian Muslims were declared as Internal Threat number ONE and all Indian Christians as Internal Threat number TWO. The other important ideologue of the RSS, Deendayal Upadhyaya described Indian Muslims not as equal citizens but as the 'complex problem' which 'is the oldest, the most complicated' problem being faced by the Hindus 'for the last twelve hundred years'. Even the liberal face in the RSS fraternity, former PM, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, demanded that Muslims of India should be 'purified' by giving Hindu samskaras. The present PM keeps harping on it and misses no opportunity to demand the same purification of Indian Muslims.

This characterization of followers of Islam in India needs to be compared with what Swami Vivekananda, who is described as a philosopher of Hindutva, said about Islam. According to him 'if ever any religion approached to this equality in an appreciable manner, it is Islam and Islam alone'. He concluded that 'for our own motherland a junction of the two great systems, Hinduism and Islam 'Vedanta brain and Islam body' is the only hope.I see in my mind's eye the future perfect India arising out of this chaos and strife, glorious and invincible, with Vedanta brain and Islam body'. Swami innumerable times praised Christianity for its love of poor and spirit of sacrifice which is decreed as Internal Threat number TWO by the RSS.

How fictitious the bogey of Muslim appeasement in India spread by RSS fraternity is, can be known by the official data and surveys. The Sachar Committee report (2006) which was the most authentic study (based on the official records) clearly showed that Indian Muslims were placed below Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in backwardness. Muslims had the lowest average monthly per capita expenditure among all communities. There was a huge mismatch between the percentage of Muslims in the population and in decision making positions such as the IAS and IPS, and the general poor representation of the community in the police. As per the Census of 2001, Muslims were 13.43% of India's population but according to the Sachar Committee report percentage of Muslims in the IAS and IPS was 3% and 4% respectively.

The Muslims of India pose no challenge to political, social, educational and economic hegemony of the majority community which is presented as victim by the RSS/BJP rulers. Evaluating the allegation of Muslim appeasement, Julio Ribeiro in an amazing piece (THE MAJORITY COMPLEX, The Indian Express, May 17, 2017) wrote that the claim that Muslims were pampered for vote-bank politics is not true: ' In actual fact, all concessions made to Muslims were made to their religious leaders on matters that the latter arbitrarily interpreted as affronts to their personal laws. The community, as such, continued to live in poverty, no attention being paid to the education or health of its members, particularly women, because of which the community continued to remain backward.' Another reality should not be missed that Hindu holymen/women have been accorded status of cabinet ministers under the present regime.

The reality is that construct of the Muslim enemy is a ploy to hide the nefarious agenda of the RSS about Indian Hindus, democratic-secular polity and love for money bags. It declares without any remorse that Hindu nation/state under them would be ruled by a dehumanized text known as Manusmriti. For Savarkar and RSS this Code of Manu is the most worship able scripture after four Veds. It is to be noted that Manusmriti decrees a sub-human status to Hindu women and Sudras. The Dalits are not Muslims but facing the brunt of the Hindutva aggression for riding a horse, motor-bike or a bridegroom riding a buggy, for passing through a high caste locality with chappal on, for listening a song praising Baba Saheb Ambedkar, for falling in love with a high Caste girl and for skinning a dead cow with valid licence.

The renowned social activists and intellectuals like Narender Dabholkar, Govind Pansare, MM Kalburgi and Gauri Lankesh were not Muslims but assassinated as they were challenging the Brahmanical, in fact, Peshwa rulers' vision of India. Broadcaster, Udayan Mukherjee recently made an amazing point that the Muslim enemy factor will be more stridently in vogue with mounting pauperization of Indian masses who constitute 80% of the population.

Under Modi rule India has 101 billionaires, and the wealth of the richest 1 per cent of Indians grew by Rs 21 lakh crore in 2017 only which roughly amounts to the size of India's annual budget. Simultaneously, India has emerged as the world capital of unemployed youth, hungry masses devoid of healthcare, TB patients, maternity deaths, human trafficking and under-nourished children. The Indian farmers are facing a crisis where suicides are not exceptions but rule.

According to Udayan, 'Our farmers, small businessmen, wage labourers, the jobless? For them, there is the opium of the masses—religion. After four years of falling short, the BJP knows that it cannot go back to the larger, non-urban electorate with economic delivery as its election plank. For this section, achhe din still remains a mirage and any mention of it may actually rile sentiments'. Since Hindutva rulers have forsaken farmers and latter should not expect any great turnaround in their fortunes, how would Modi win India in 2019. The Hindutva patent medicine seems to be to instigate against Muslims and motivate them 'to emerge more patriotic and more Hindu, and cement their 'rightful' domination of this great nation. What is money, after all, compared to these far loftier ideals?. our prime minister has cracked the winning formula. Horses for courses: More wealth for the rich, Hindutva for the poor'.

In fact, even if there were no Muslims and Christians in India Hindutva rulers would have invented them. But the million dollar question is whether a sectarian and fascist world outlook will be able to overthrow a polity which took birth after a very long joint struggle of people of all religions.

By Mr. Shamsul Islam

Courtesy 'Muslim Mirror'


2019 Lok Sabha election: How Mohan Bhagwat complements Modi
On several occasions, the RSS has taken stands which were in variance to that of the BJP governments. However, in the new avatar it may be complementing the Narendra Modi government's efforts for the 2019 Lok Sabha election and also the BJP in the forthcoming Assembly election in five states.

Kumar Shakti Shekhar 
New Delhi
September 21, 2018UPDATED: September 21, 2018 08:47 IST

Mohan Bhagwat with Narendra Modi. File photo
Bhagwat's outreach to Muslims gelled with Modi government's efforts
On lynching by cow vigilantes also, Bhagwat aired same view as Modi
On reservation, Bhagwat echoed Modi's views
RSS has usually been seen charting its own course, unmindful of what the BJP governments at the centre have been doing. On several occasions, the RSS has taken stands which were in variance to that of the BJP governments. However, in the new avatar it may be complementing the Narendra Modi government's efforts for the 2019 Lok Sabha election and also the BJP in the forthcoming Assembly election in five states.

Yes, RSS sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat did make a couple of remarks that were in variance with the views expressed by Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah in the past. For instance, Modi-Shah duo has often talked about a "Congress-mukt Bharat".

However, Mohan Bhagwat lauded the role played by the Congress in India's independence. "In the form of Congress, a big freedom movement had started in the country which gave many great personalities," he said during his three-day lecture series on 'Bharat of future: An RSS perspective' in New Delhi.

While doing so, Bhagwat also departed from the established stand of the RSS being against the Congress and its leaders who were in the forefront of the freedom struggle, including first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

But on several other issues, RSS sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat was seen complementing Narendra Modi and Amit Shah - for instance, on Muslims.

Mohan Bhagwat said Mohan Bhagwat said RSS believed in Hindu rashtra, but it did not mean that they were against Muslims. "We believe in vasudhaiva kutumbakam and every panth (sect) has its space in it."

He went on to say that a Hindu rashtra does not mean that it has no space for Muslims. "The day it happens, we would not be a Hindu rashtra," he said.

This also is a departure from the RSS's stated position so far. RSS called Muslims as "unwanted" and "enemies".

He said the RSS had discarded a chink of "Bunch of Thoughts" - a compilation of speeches of its former chief MS Golwalkar.

"Bunch of Thoughts is a collection of speeches made in a particular context and cannot be eternally valid. Sangh is not dogmatic. Times change and accordingly, our thoughts transform. Dr Hedgewar, RSS founder, said we were free to adapt to times as they change," said Bhagwat.

What Bhagwat said gelled with the Muslim outreach of the Modi government.

The Modi government promulgated Ordinance of triple talaq on September 19. Last week, the prime minister participated in Ashara Mubaraka, the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Husain, organised by the Dawoodi Bohra community, at Indore's Saifee mosque.

It was an attempt to woo the Shia Muslims as Dawoodi Bohras are a part of this sect.

Mohan Bhagwat asserted during his lecture that the organisation fully supports reservation and also came out in support of a contentious law on atrocities against the Scheduled Caste community, but said it should not be misused.

"Reservation is not a problem but the politics over it is a problem," he said in reply to questions on the last day of the RSS's three-day conclave.

He further said there is a need for bringing the backward sections of the society on par.

"RSS completely supports the reservation given by the Constitution to remove social stigmas. The decision regarding reservation continuity has to be taken by those to whom reservation has been granted. Whenever they feel it is not necessary, they will decide," Bhagwat said.

However, in contrast to his position on reservation now, Bhagwat had kicked up a controversy before the 2015 Bihar Assembly election by reportedly stating that there was a need to review quota policy. The Mahagathbandhan comprising RJD, JDU and the Congress highlighted his statement to score a point over the BJP.

Bhagwat's remark was considered as one of the main reasons behind the BJP's defeat in Bihar.

Modi and Amit Shah have time and again reiterated that reservation would not be ended come what may. Bhagwat is now on the same page as the prime minister and the BJP chief.

On the issue of lynching by cow vigilantes also, Mohan Bhagwat aired the same view as Modi. Just as the prime minister, the RSS sarsanghchalak also disapproved of lynching and said it is not gauraksha.

While departing from past on several issues, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat was seen complementing PM Modi and Amit Shah's efforts to win the 2019 Lok Sabha election.

Rashtriya Shia Samaj supports Narendra Modi for PM in 2019
Shia community, under the banner of RSS (Rashtriya Shia Samaj)has decided to support Narendra Modi as BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

Press Trust of India
New Delhi
June 25, 2018UPDATED: June 25, 2018 15:20 IST
Rashtriya Shia Samaj backs Narendra Modi for PM in 2019
Bukkal Nawab, head of Shia Rashtriya Samaj (Photo- @ANI)
Rashtriya Shia Samaj (RSS) has backed Narendra Modi for PM in 2019
It has also supported construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya
Samaj's head Bukkal Nawab alleged SP's Azam Khan repressed Shias in UP
Shia community, under the banner of RSS (Rashtriya Shia Samaj)has decided to support Narendra Modi as BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

"Shia Muslims will be supporting Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the BJP for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. We are also in favour of the construction of the Ram temple at Ayodhya," Shias' RSS head Bukkal Nawab, who is also a BJP MLC told PTI.

"Shia community will unitedly support the BJP to ensure Modiji becomes PM once again after 2019 elections," he said, adding no other political party except the BJP cared for Shia Muslims, who form about 18 per cent of the Muslim population.

Dwelling upon the Shias' reasons for supporting the BJP, Nawab said, "It was former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who helped lifting a 20-year-old ban on Shia processions in the state capital".

He added that various Shia leaders like Union minister Muktar Abbas Naqvi, state minister Mohsin Raza, National Commission of Minorities Chairman Syed Ghayorul Hasan Rizvi, UP Minority Commission Chairman Haider Abbas have been given respectable positions by the BJP government.

He alleged that in previous regimes of the BSP and the SP in the state, Shia Muslims were subjected to "harassment" and he himself was put in jail by the Mayawati government.

"In SP regime, its leader Mohammad Azam Khan did all possible things to repress the Shia community. Going by the treatment meted out to the community in the past by various political parties, the Shia community has decided to support Modi this time and ensure the BJP's victory," he said.

Rashtriya Shia Samaj or RSS was conceptualised in 2016 and several public programmes were started under its banner last year.

On one of the 'Bada Mangal' day (a Tuesday observed as the day of worship to Lord Hanuman), RSS organises a large-scale bhandara (community feast) besides engaging in activities, which it claims, was for betterment and welfare of the people.

About the abbreviation RSS, which is generally associated with the Hindu nationalist group, Nawab said it is in a different 'avtar' here.

After formation of the BJP government in the state in 2017, Nawab, who was a Samajwadi Party MLC resigned to pave way for Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and deputy chief ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dinesh Sharma to enter the state Legislative Council.

He later joined BJP and was given a legislative council ticket by the party in April and is now a BJP MLC.

All India Shia Personal Law Board spokesman Maulana Yasoob Abbas when asked about the Shias' RSS support to the BJP, told PTI, "I am not aware of the development as I am out of station. We will sit and discuss it before reaching any decision as it is a very sensitive issue."

Rashtriya Shia Samaj supports Narendra Modi for PM in 2019
Shia community, under the banner of RSS (Rashtriya Shia Samaj)has decided to support Narendra Modi as BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

Press Trust of India
New Delhi
June 25, 2018UPDATED: June 25, 2018 15:20 IST
Rashtriya Shia Samaj backs Narendra Modi for PM in 2019
Bukkal Nawab, head of Shia Rashtriya Samaj (Photo- @ANI)
Rashtriya Shia Samaj (RSS) has backed Narendra Modi for PM in 2019
It has also supported construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya
Samaj's head Bukkal Nawab alleged SP's Azam Khan repressed Shias in UP
Shia community, under the banner of RSS (Rashtriya Shia Samaj)has decided to support Narendra Modi as BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

"Shia Muslims will be supporting Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the BJP for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. We are also in favour of the construction of the Ram temple at Ayodhya," Shias' RSS head Bukkal Nawab, who is also a BJP MLC told PTI.

"Shia community will unitedly support the BJP to ensure Modiji becomes PM once again after 2019 elections," he said, adding no other political party except the BJP cared for Shia Muslims, who form about 18 per cent of the Muslim population.

Dwelling upon the Shias' reasons for supporting the BJP, Nawab said, "It was former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who helped lifting a 20-year-old ban on Shia processions in the state capital".

He added that various Shia leaders like Union minister Muktar Abbas Naqvi, state minister Mohsin Raza, National Commission of Minorities Chairman Syed Ghayorul Hasan Rizvi, UP Minority Commission Chairman Haider Abbas have been given respectable positions by the BJP government.

He alleged that in previous regimes of the BSP and the SP in the state, Shia Muslims were subjected to "harassment" and he himself was put in jail by the Mayawati government.

"In SP regime, its leader Mohammad Azam Khan did all possible things to repress the Shia community. Going by the treatment meted out to the community in the past by various political parties, the Shia community has decided to support Modi this time and ensure the BJP's victory," he said.

Rashtriya Shia Samaj or RSS was conceptualised in 2016 and several public programmes were started under its banner last year.

On one of the 'Bada Mangal' day (a Tuesday observed as the day of worship to Lord Hanuman), RSS organises a large-scale bhandara (community feast) besides engaging in activities, which it claims, was for betterment and welfare of the people.

About the abbreviation RSS, which is generally associated with the Hindu nationalist group, Nawab said it is in a different 'avtar' here.

After formation of the BJP government in the state in 2017, Nawab, who was a Samajwadi Party MLC resigned to pave way for Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and deputy chief ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dinesh Sharma to enter the state Legislative Council.

He later joined BJP and was given a legislative council ticket by the party in April and is now a BJP MLC.

All India Shia Personal Law Board spokesman Maulana Yasoob Abbas when asked about the Shias' RSS support to the BJP, told PTI, "I am not aware of the development as I am out of station. We will sit and discuss it before reaching any decision as it is a very sensitive issue."

Also Read: Muslim politician donates bell at Hanuman temple in Lucknow

Mohan Bhagwat says no Hindu Rashtra without Muslims: Is RSS changing before 2019 polls?
THEPRINT TEAM 19 September, 2018

Illustration by Neera Majumdar | ThePrint
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Mohan Bhagwat, during the three-day RSS lecture series called ‘Bhavishya Ka Bharat’, said that the Sangh’s interpretation of Hindutva does not exclude Muslims and that they are a part of the Hindu rashtra.

ThePrint asks– Mohan Bhagwat says no Hindu Rashtra without Muslims: Is RSS changing before 2019 polls?

Saying Hindutva includes Muslims furthers good Muslim vs bad Muslim distinction
Nazia Erum
Author, Mothering A Muslim

It is important here to understand who his audience was, and if he takes the same message across to everyone.

Was this an illusionary inclusive statement made to ‘appease’ a certain block, which is unsure of its political alignment in the wake of widespread sustained attacks on the minorities, Dalits and liberals?

Is this an attempt to set the ‘tone’ right? Because the bottom line is that actions speak louder than words. And, in an era where murderers of minorities are garlanded and celebrated, saying that Hindutva includes Muslims only goes further to draw the good Muslim vs bad Muslim distinction. In other words, Muslims who behave in a certain way are ‘welcomed’, but those who don’t are not part of India. I think that this is simply a new packaging of the same old philosophy.

Remember, whoever lives in Bharat has one identity, and we call it ‘Bharatiya’. Unity in diversity, that’s the backbone of being Indian. It is not some self-serving definition that appears to concede some space to a community which deserves equal status as per the Constitution.

Those who want to demonise the Sangh are spreading lies for votes
Raghav Awasthi
Lawyer and RSS member

Mohan Bhagwat today made it amply clear that he does not see the RSS as a political organisation at all. Hence, in my opinion, to speculate that the RSS is changing in the run-up to one election does not make any sense whatsoever.

Hindutva, in its most classical sense, is not supposed to exclude Muslims or Christians as long as it is acknowledged that even though their mode of worship may be different, their commitment towards India’s spiritual and temporal unity is retained.

As far as the RSS is concerned, irrespective of religion, all such people are adherents of Hindutva and therefore, Hindus. This time the sarsanghchalak even went one step further and stated that for the Sangh, even if this nomenclature is not accepted, there is no problem. Walter Andersen’s latest book also documents the increasing presence of Muslim pracharaks in the Sangh. Hence, to say that the outreach towards Muslims is a recent development and is being done with the 2019 election in mind would be quite inaccurate. The Sangh’s position on all of these issues is clear. It is only those who have a vested interest in demonising the Sangh for the sake of vote bank politics are spreading misinformation on the issue.

The most important and the best takeaway over the three-day lecture is that all of these lies are being nailed one by one.

RSS may employ Bhagwat’s lecture to gain wider acceptability among ‘neutral’ Hindus
Hilal Ahmed
Associate professor, CSDS

Mohan Bhagwat’s comment that Muslims are an inseparable constituent of RSS’s imagination of Hindutva underlines two related yet slightly divergent sets of arguments.

Bhagwat does not deviate from RSS’s known position on Muslims. Sangh’s literature conceptualises the ‘Indian’ identity of Muslims in strictly Hindu terms. Hence, defining Muslims as Hindavi Musalman does not pose any challenge to RSS’s established imagination of Hindu Rashtra or loosely worked out conception of Hindutva.

Second, Bhagwat invokes the Constitution to justify RSS’s version of ‘unity in diversity’ and ‘universal brotherhood’. This invocation of the Constitution could be read as a political necessity to counter the allegation that Sangh disregards Indian republicanism. After all, RSS leaders often remain uncomfortable with certain provisions of the Constitution, especially with regard to the rights given to religious minorities. In fact, the previous NDA government actually constituted a commission to review the Constitution!

Bhagwat’s unequivocal ‘celebration of the Constitution’ to accommodate Muslims in Hindutva fold, thus, must be seen as an interesting threefold political strategy.

First, as a self-declared cultural organisation, RSS may employ Bhagwat’s lecture to gain wider acceptability, particularly among those neutral Hindus who are not interested in the violent anti-Muslim conception of Hindutva.

Second, this strategy may also be used to reconfigure the internal balance of power within the Sangh Parivar. By projecting RSS as a Constitution-loving democratic outfit, Bhagwat may be able to assert Sangh’s supremacy over the highly powerful and overtly centralised BJP.

Third, this so-called ‘Muslim accommodation’ will help the RSS to disassociate itself from individuals and organisations involved in anti-Muslim cow protection movement, mob-lynching and organised Hindu communalisation at the grassroots level.

RSS may legitimately say that those who indulge in violence do not belong to Sangh, and therefore, anti-Muslim violence is ‘a natural reaction of Hindus’, which has nothing to do with RSS!

Also read: If you could please accept Hindu supremacy, RSS can become whatever you want it to be

Those who think RSS is turning accommodative towards Muslims have short memory
Hindi professor, Delhi University

What is pronounced for public consumption by RSS functionaries is never taken seriously by RSS workers. They are adept at getting the real message. And that real message is to use all means to capture every field of life in India. If it means speaking contrary to the principled position of RSS, the swayamsevak understands the context.

Those who think that RSS is changing or turning accommodative towards Muslims have a short memory. From our childhood we have been hearing RSS people patronisingly say that Muslims are acceptable as ‘Mohamdan Hindus’.

So, there is nothing new in the address by RSS chief. First, it seems to establish the supremacy of Hindutva by claiming that as opposed to the non-Indic religions, it is diverse and tolerant of hundred ways to approach god. So, everything comes under its fold. It doesn’t mind them calling themselves by different names. For RSS, they remain unconscious Hindus.

Listen to him carefully – “Whoever lives in Bharat are all of one identity and we call that identity Hindutva. But we have no problem with those who don’t want to call themselves that”. In the same breath, he dubs their self-identification dishonest, driven by “material considerations and political correctness”. He unambiguously declares that it is the Hindutva values, which helped bind a diverse society such as India’s together.

So, the doctrine is the same old one, which Deendayal Upadhyaya tried to articulate with a different metaphor: there’s a core to the Indian civilisation, all others have to confirm to it or submerge themselves to be purely Indian.

When a bully tells you that I want to make you my own, one needs to put him/herself on guard. One way of integrating the other is to devour it. Thus, it becomes one with you. This is the not-so-hidden message from the chief of RSS.

RSS never tweaks organisation’s philosophy for electoral politics
Ratan Sharda
Author, Secrets of RSS: Demystifying The Sangh, and columnist

What Bhagwat has said about Muslims is not new. He has said the same thing earlier too – all people born in this country who treat it as their motherland and connect to its past are Hindus. He re-asserted that Hindu is a way of life that celebrates diversity, respects plurality, finds unity in this diversity, and respects its ancient Hindu heritage.

Hindu and Hindutva are inclusive by nature not exclusivist. All the proclamations made by the rishis and saints since ages have been for the benefit of the mankind and not for a particular group of people.

RSS has asserted that 98-99 per cent Muslims and other converts have Hindu forefathers, and they remain culturally Hindus, whatever be their way of worship. No RSS top leader has ever talked of throwing minorities out.

Guru Golwalkar in his interview to Saifuddin Jeelani in January 1971 for Organiser had expressed the same opinion. Jamat-e-Islami had similar pleasant experience with RSS leaders when they were in jail together during the infamous Emergency. Those who quote Golwalkar selectively from Bunch of Thoughts forget the historic context of those lectures on the back of violent partition in which RSS swayamsevaks sacrificed their homes, hearths and lives to save their brethren.

It is incorrect to assume that RSS takes the Hindutva definition exactly as defined by Veer Savarkar. In fact, the 1942 Quit India was a major point of friction between Hindu Mahasabha and RSS because RSS refused to boycott the movement.

Bhagwat has only used simpler language to make RSS stand very clear. RSS never tweaks it organisation’s philosophy for electoral politics. If it wished to, it would have delayed this lecture series to a later date to match with 2019 elections.

RSS chief understands that no news is not good news
Yashwant Deshmukh
Founder-director, CVoter International

My simple take is that RSS is not changing in terms of its fundamental ideas. What has changed is its outreach programme. All RSS heads have been saying the same things all along, but only when someone reached out to them in order to understand the organisation. This is probably the first time that RSS chief himself went out of his way to explain his organisation.

Earlier, when any top editor requested for an interview or just a casual conversation, they were always welcomed by RSS heads on a personal basis. I personally know about the meeting of S. Mulgaonkar, the fiery editor of Hindustan Times (and later The Indian Express), with Guru Golwalkar in the presence of my father (who was editor of Panchjanya), which positively changed the outlook of many senior journalists of that generation.

The difference is that for the meeting, Mulgaonkar asked my father (they were colleagues at Editors Guild of India and good friends) rather intriguingly, “Yadu, does this Guruji ever meets anyone outside RSS?” My father said “let’s check out right away” and took him to Guru Golwalkar just like that. They had a free flowing conversation on all questions that could come along, and Mulgaonkar just couldn’t believe how easy it was to get an access and have a conversation.

Problem was (and still is) that the Lutyens zone, more so the English one, was never interested in talking or understanding RSS. It was more interested in not talking and misunderstanding it on purpose. The RSS was never inclined towards such outreach earlier, simply because it just wanted to focus on its work. If someone asked, it was happy to answer.

The current RSS chief has consciously gone for this outreach as he understands that no news is not good news, particularly when your swayamsewak is a Prime Minister with majority.

Bhagwat’s comment shows Sangh understands that all Muslims can’t be marginalised
Ruhi Tewari
Associate Editor, ThePrint

To think that a cadre-based organisation like the RSS, whose very foundation and existence is based on its worldview and ideology, will change merely for an election is both myopic and superficial.

The RSS sarsanghchalak, in the first two days of the three-day lecture series, has attempted to present a more nuanced, finely-combed avatar of the Sangh, with the aim of clarifying its position on multiple issues.

Given the Sangh’s perceived (and real) suspicion of Muslims, does this mean that there is a fundamental change in the organisation’s worldview?

It is important to understand that the view on Muslims within the Sangh has actually been evolving over the past four decades. Till the time Golwalkar was the chief, there was a rather clear line which saw Muslims outside the fold. But gradually under Balasaheb Deoras, Rajendra Singh and even K.S. Sudarshan, there were gradual efforts to engage with Muslims. The fact that the Sangh even has a Muslim Rashtriya Manch (led by senior pracharak, Indresh) indicates that it has been open to engaging with Muslims. Bhagwat’s statement must be seen in this context where the Sangh understands that all Muslims cannot be marginalised in India; they cannot be expelled.

But the RSS can only be tested by its actions on the ground. The fact remains that the Sangh believes that India must be a Hindu rashtra and that itself assumes supremacy of one group over another. The Sangh would like to deny the distinct cultural and religious identity of Muslims and seek to assimilate it within majoritarian symbols.

By stating that a Hindu rashtra does not mean there is no place for Muslims, the Sangh is putting forth a rather patronising approach to Muslims wherein they are told that they are not unwelcome here. The Sangh organisationally may not have a bar on Muslims – but remains a Hindu organisation. To talk about any change, therefore, is premature.

By Fatima Khan, journalist at ThePrint. You can follow her on twitter @khanthefatima.

"We look forward to you to uphold the dignity of the many women who have put their reputations at stake in making these allegations," the Constitutional Conduct Group said in its open letter to President Ram Nath Kovind.

Hours Before M.J. Akbar Resigned, Former Bureaucrats Asked for His Dismissal
Former minister of state and editor M.J. Akbar. Credit: Facebook

The Wire Staff
The Wire Staff
New Delhi: As the allegations of sexual harassment piled up against minister of state for external affairs M.J. Akbar, a group of former civil servants on Wednesday wrote an ‘open letter’ to the President of India, with a copy to the Prime Minister of India, expressing its outrage at the failure of the Government of India to take appropriate action.

The Constitutional Conduct Group, in its letter, maintained that in light of the allegations of sexual harassment over a number of years made by sixteen women against Mr Akbar, constitutional propriety and morality dictate that he should step down from office or be removed from the Union Council of Ministers.

The Wire  is reproducing the open letter in full below.


Honourable Rashtrapatiji,

We are a group of former civil servants of the All India and Central Services, who have worked for decades with the Central and State Governments in the course of our careers. We wish to make it clear that, as a group, we have no affiliation with any political party but believe in the credo of impartiality, neutrality and commitment to the Indian Constitution. We continue to uphold the oath of allegiance to our Constitution we took when we entered service.

We write this letter to express our deep disappointment and outrage at the conspicuous lack of action by the Government of India in responding to the statements by sixteen women regarding the sexual harassment faced by them from a person who is today a member of the Union Council of Ministers. In clear and explicit terms, these women have detailed the behaviour of the present Minister of State for External Affairs, Shri M.J. Akbar, over a period of almost three decades from about the mid-1980s to the end of the first decade of this century, when he was in a position of power and responsibility in some of the major news organisations of this country. A number of instances of such harassment by men in positions of power and authority in the fields of journalism, advertising and films have come to light since the first week of October 2018 through social media, print and electronic media. While many of these organisations have initiated action to enquire into the allegations by the affected women and have either removed the persons involved from their employment or distanced those under investigation from participation in the day to day affairs of their organisations, it comes as a rude shock to us that no action whatsoever has been forthcoming from the institution primarily charged with upholding the rule of law, namely, the Government of India, against one of its senior members.

As former civil servants, we are fully aware of the need to follow the due process of law. At the same time, Constitutional propriety and morality dictate that the functionary concerned should resign from his office pending an enquiry and must not be reappointed to a high Constitutional post till he is cleared of all the charges against him. The Vishakha Guidelines issued by the Honourable Supreme Court in 1997 and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (“POSH Act”) have clearly laid down the steps to be taken to protect women at their workplaces. While it is true that the instances referred to where the Minister was allegedly involved refer to the period before the POSH Act came into effect, it is also a fact that the Vishakha Guidelines were in force when at least three of these incidents are said to have taken place. It is a sad commentary on our respect for the rule of law that the newspaper organisations concerned had not put in place mechanisms to implement the Vishakha Guidelines, which would have provided an avenue for redressal to women who felt they were the victims of sexual harassment.

While the facts will come out in a full-fledged impartial enquiry, which we hope will be entrusted to a committee comprising eminent citizens, it behoves the Government of India to act in a manner which gives the public confidence that the government is responsibly discharging its Constitutional duties. As reported in sections of the media, Shri Akbar is attempting to involve the complainants in time-consuming and costly litigation to avoid answering the allegations which have been levelled against him. We look forward to you, Honourable Rashtrapatiji, to uphold the dignity of the many women who have put their reputations at stake in making these allegations.

We earnestly request you, as the first citizen of our country, to advise the Government of India to seek the resignation of Shri Akbar, failing which it should recommend his removal from the Union Council of Ministers. We also request you to issue directions to the Government of India and the State Governments to put in place robust mechanisms to ensure that women can engage in gainful employment free of the fear of sexual harassment and to ensure that all organisations (in the public and private sectors) follow the provisions of the POSH Act in both letter and spirit.

List of signatories:

1. Anita Agnihotri, IAS (Retd.), former secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GoI

2. V.S. Ailawadi, IAS (Retd.) former chairman, Electricity Regulatory Commission

3. S.P. Ambrose, IAS (Retd.) former additional secretary, Ministry of Shipping & Transport, GoI

4. Gopalan Balagopal, IAS (Retd.) former special secretary, Govt. of West Bengal

5. Chandrashekhar Balakrishnan, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Coal, GoI

6. Meeran C Borwankar, IPS (Retd.) former DGP, Bureau of Police Research and Development, GoI

7. Sundar Burra, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra

8. Som Chaturvedi, IRTS (Retd.) former additional member, Railway Board, GoI

9. Kalyani Chaudhuri, IAS (Retd.) former additional chief secretary, Govt. of West Bengal

10. Javid Chowdhury, IAS (Retd.) former health secretary, GoI

11. Anna Dani IAS, (Retd.) former additional chief secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra

12. Surjit K. Das, IAS (Retd.) former chief secretary, Govt. of Uttarakhand

13. Vibha Puri Das, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI

14. Nitin Desai IES, (Retd.) former secretary and chief economic adviser, Ministry of Finance, GoI

15. Keshav Desiraju, IAS (Retd.) former health secretary, GoI

16. M.G. Devasahayam, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Govt. of Haryana

17. K.P. Fabian, IFS (Retd.) former ambassador to Italy

18. Hirak Ghosh, IAS (Retd.) former principal secretary, Govt. of West Bengal

19. Tuktuk Ghosh, IAS (Retd.) former special secretary and financial adviser, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Shipping & Tourism, GoI

20. Meena Gupta, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests, GoI

21. Ravi Vira Gupta, IAS (Retd.) former deputy governor, Reserve Bank of India

22. Wajahat Habibullah, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, GoI and Chief Information Commissioner

23. Deepa Hari, IRS (Resigned)

24. Sajjad Hassan, IAS (Retd.) former commissioner (Planning), Govt. of Manipur

25. Siraj Hussain, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Department of Agriculture, GoI

26. Dr. M.A. Ibrahimi, IAS (Retd.) former chief secretary (rank), Govt. of Bihar

27. Kamal Jaswal, IAS (Retd.) former Secretary, Department of Information Technology, GoI

28. K. John Koshy, IAS (Retd.) former State chief information commissioner, West Bengal 29. Ajai Kumar Indian Forest Service (Retd.) former director, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI

30. Arun Kumar, IAS (Retd.) former chairman, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, GoI

31. Brijesh Kumar, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Department of Information Technology, GoI

32. Subodh Lal, IPoS (Retd.) former deputy director general, Ministry of Communications, GoI

33. Harsh Mander, IAS (Retd.) Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

34. Aditi Mehta, IAS (Retd.) former additional chief secretary, Govt. of Rajasthan

35. Shivshankar Menon, IFS (Retd.) former Foreign secretary, GoI and Former National Security Adviser

36. Sonalini Mirchandani, IFS (Resigned) GoI

37. Sunil Mitra, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Finance, GoI

38. Noor Mohammad, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, National Disaster Management Authority, GoI

39. Deb Mukharji, IFS (Retd.) former high commissioner to Bangladesh and former Ambassador to Nepal

40. Nagalswamy, IA&AS (Retd.) former principal Accountant General, Tamil Nadu & Kerala

41. Sobha Nambisan, IAS (Retd.) former principal secretary (Planning), Govt. of Karnataka

42. Surendra Nath, IAS (Retd.) former member, Finance Commission, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

43. Amitabha Pande, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Inter-State Council, GoI

44. Niranjan Pant, IA&AS (Retd.) former Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General of India

45. Alok Perti, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Coal, GoI

46. T.R. Raghunandan, IAS (Retd.) former joint secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, GoI

47. N.K. Raghupathy, IAS (Retd.) former chairman, Staff Selection Commission, GoI

48. C. Babu Rajeev, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, GoI

49. M.Y. Rao, IAS (Retd.)

50. Julio Ribeiro, IPS (Retd.) former adviser to Governor of Punjab and former Ambassador to Romania

51. Aruna Roy, IAS (Resigned)

52. ManMohan Sagar, IPS (Retd.) former CMD, Assam Police Housing Corporation, Govt. of Assam

53. Umrao Salodia, IAS (Retd.) former chairman, Rajasthan Road Transport Corporation, Govt. of Rajasthan

54. Deepak Sanan, IAS (Retd.) former principal adviser (AR) to Chief Minister, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh

55. N.C. Saxena, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Planning Commission, GoI

56. Ardhendu Sen, IAS (Retd.) former chief secretary, Govt. of West Bengal

57. Abhijit Sengupta, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Culture, GoI

58. Aftab Seth, IFS (Retd.) former ambassador to Japan

59. Ashok Kumar Sharma, IFS (Retd.) former ambassador to Finland and Estonia

60. Pravesh Sharma, IAS (Retd.) former additional chief secretary, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

61. Raju Sharma, IAS (Retd.) former member, Board of Revenue, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh

62. Rashmi Shukla Sharma, IAS (Retd.) former additional chief secretary, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

63. Sujatha Singh, IFS (Retd.) former foreign secretary, GoI

64. Tirlochan Singh, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, National Commission for Minorities, GoI

65. Jawhar Sircar, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Culture, GoI, & CEO, Prasar Bharati

66. Narendra Sisodia, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Finance, GoI

67. Dr.K.S. Subramanian, IPS (Retd.) former director general, State Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development, Govt. of Tripura

68. Sanjivi Sundar, IAS (Retd.) former secretary, Ministry of Surface Transport, GoI

69. Parveen Talha, IRS (Retd.) former member, Union Public Service Commission

70. P.S.S. Thomas, IAS (Retd.) former secretary general, National Human Rights Commission

71. Hindal Tyabji, IAS (Retd.) former chief secretary rank, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir

72. Ramani Venkatesan, IAS (Retd.) former director general, YASHADA, Govt. of Maharashtra

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Sexual Harassment
MJ Akbar, stop with the lying. You sexually harassed me too. Your threats will not silence us
‘If I don’t speak up now, I feel I’ll be complicit in your crimes,’ writes Tushita Patel.
MJ Akbar, stop with the lying. You sexually harassed me too. Your threats will not silence us
Oct 16, 2018 · 01:52 pm
Tushita Patel

I am reading with indignation, but not surprise, about your complete lack of contrition, your lies, your facetious arguments, your lack of sensitivity in your attempt to victim shame and some remarkably stupid statements. If I don’t speak up now, I feel I’ll be complicit in your crimes.

It was 1992, Calcutta. I was a trainee in the Telegraph. You had left journalism for politics and had come to visit Calcutta. A group of my colleagues was going to meet you at your hotel. I was asked if I’d like to meet MJ Akbar. Who didn’t? Sure. I went along. I met you. It was a fun evening. After that day, you found out my home phone number (from someone else) and started calling me incessantly, asking me to come and meet you at your hotel, always under a thin veil of some work-related discussion. After trying to deflect several of your advances, you finally wore me down. Telling myself to not be old-fashioned, I rang your doorbell.


You opened the door dressed only in your underwear. I stood at the door, stricken, scared and awkward. You stood there like the VIP man, amused by my fear. I did go in and carried on blabbering out of fear till you finally put on a bathrobe. What would you say that was? Does greeting a 22-year-old in a state of undress pass your test of morality? Is that not “doing” something? I have visions of you like that. After that it’s a bit hard to imagine you as the minister of external affairs representing India.

‘I wriggled out’
1993, Hyderabad. You were the editor-in-chief of the Deccan Chronicle, I was a senior sub-editor. You came in to town and summoned me to your hotel to discuss my pages. I was late (I had to finish my pages). When I reached your room, you were sullen, sitting there drinking tea and in a vile mood. You started yelling at me about being late, about my work. I was trying to mumble some words. Suddenly you got up, grabbed me and kissed me hard – your stale tea breath and your bristly moustache are still etched in the recesses of my memory. I wriggled out and ran till I reached the road, jumped into an auto rickshaw and started crying. There was comfort in crying in an open auto being driven by a sympathetic stranger.

The next morning I came to the office and tried to hide in a corner and finish my page. The other thing about working for you is that we never had any resources. We were always short-staffed, you always got us to sacrifice our off days for the greater cause of the paper and we loved our jobs above all else and felt it was normal to do this. When you couldn’t find me, you desperately sent out a search party. At some point, someone found me. Akbar saab is looking for you. Heavy with dread, I waited till it was almost time for your flight and met you at the most public of areas in the office – near the reception. You said chirpily, “Where did you disappear? I’ve been looking for you – we have to discuss your page.” And with that you ushered me into the empty conference room, grabbed me again and kissed me.

Defeated, humiliated, blinded by hurt and tears, I stayed in that room till I stopped crying. I waited till you had left the building, went to the bathroom, washed my face and carried on to finish my page.


‘Our time to speak up is now’
So please stop with the lying. Stop lying about your plywood and glass cabin in the Asian Age. Ghazala Wahab is not the only woman to have been molested in that cabin. There are other victims who you almost broke and destroyed with your lust and power trip. They are enraged too, and they will come out.

And enough with the legal intimidation – we can see you in court too. The same sisterhood of solidarity that held our hands through the darkest times of our lives will come out only because you continue to be brazen. We are not confused, conflicted or vulnerable any more. Our time to speak is now – when we don’t have to run to a police station to lodge a complaint before anyone would give us a hearing.

You know who we are. You’ll recognise us when you see us at the barricades.

Show some contrition. Get some help.

MJ Akbar To Record Statement In Defamation Case On Oct 31: 10 Points
In his criminal defamation suit, MJ Akbar has accused Priya Ramani of "intentionally putting forward malicious, fabricated and salacious" allegations to harm his reputation.
All India | Edited by Anindita Sanyal | Updated: October 18, 2018 14:41 IST
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MJ Akbar To Record Statement In Defamation Case On Oct 31: 10 PointsThe Editor's Guild has said that MJ Akbar should withdraw the defamation case against Priya Ramani
NEW DELHI:  A court in Delhi is examining MJ Akbar's defamation suit against one of the multiple women who accused him of sexual harassment and will take a call on whether it should be heard. Mr Akbar, who stepped down from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's council of ministers yesterday, has trashed the allegations against him, saying "accusation without evidence has become a viral fever among some sections". Journalist Priya Ramani, who was the first woman to call out Mr Akbar under the growing #MeToo movement in India, has said the truth is her 'only defence".
The court said it will hear the case again on October 31, when the former minister has been asked to be present. Mr Akbar was not present in court today. MJ Akbar's lawyers told the court that Priya Ramani's article has spoiled his reputation. "I have resigned yesterday. The incident is from years back," Mr Akbar's lawyers said. The 1200 likes and 200 retweets show how widely the article has been read, they added.
In his first detailed statement after returning to India from a foreign visit, Mr Akbar said, "Ms Priya Ramani began this campaign a year ago with a magazine article. She did not however name me as she knew it was an incorrect story. When asked recently why she had not named me, she replied, in a Tweet: "Never named him because he didn't 'do anything. If I didn't do anything, where and what is the story? There is no story. This was admitted at the very inception."
Priya Ramani, who has agreed to fight the case, said, " MJ Akbar seeks to silence through intimidation and harassment. Those who have spoken against Akbar have done so at great risk to personal and professional lives,.. truth and the absolute truth are my only defence."
A group of 19 women journalists who have worked with 'The Asian Age' newspaper, have expressed support for Priya Ramani. The journalists have urged the court to hear their testimonies against MJ Akbar, claiming that some of them suffered sexual harassment by the minister and others have been a witness to it.
The Editors Guild of India has come out in support of the 20 women journalists. Expressing concern over Mr Akbar's defamation case against one of the journalists, Priya Ramani, the Guild said he should withdraw it.
"Since I have decided to seek justice in a court of law in my personal capacity, I deem it appropriate to step down from office and challenge false accusations levied against me, also in a personal capacity," MJ Akbar said in a short statement announcing his resignation on Wednesday evening.
The former editor of newspapers like The Telegraph and the Asian Age was named by Ms Ramani in a tweet on October 8. She said MJ Akbar was the man she had written about in a magazine article a year ago, when the Harvey Weinstein scandal in the US set off an avalanche of #MeToo allegations.
After Ms Ramani named him, more women posted their stories against MJ Akbar. The list includes Prerna Singh Bindra, Ghazala Wahab, Shutapa Paul, Anju Bharti, Suparna Sharma, Shuma Raha, Malini Bhupta, Kanika Gahlout, Kadambari M Wade, Majlie de Puy Kamp and Ruth David.
The MeToo movement, which began in the US more than a year ago in response to accusations of sexual harassment and abuse by powerful men in the entertainment industry, gained traction in India last month after former actor Tanushree Dutta accused her co-star Nana Patekar of sexual harassment on the sets of a film in 2008.
Since then, several men in the media, entertainment, political and art worlds have been accused of offences, ranging from sexual harassment to rape.