Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Islamic State's (ISIS, ISIL) Magazine

The Islamic State's (ISIS, ISIL) Magazine
All of the issues of the Islamic State's glossy propaganda magazine 'Dabiq,' named after a key site in Muslim apocalypse mythology can be found here.
Wed, September 10, 2014
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Covers from the first two issues of Dabiq.
Covers from the first two issues of Dabiq.
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The Islamic State (ISIS) regularly puts out a glossy propaganda magazine aimed at recruiting jihadists from the West. It is sophisticated, slick, beautifully produced and printed in several languages including English. 

See all the magazine's issues below.

'Dabiq' as it is called, bills itself as "a periodical magazine focusing on the issues oftawhid (unity), manhaj (truth-seeking), hijrah (migration),jihad (holy war) and jama'ah(community). It will also contain photo reports, current events, and informative articles on matters relating to the Islamic State."

It portrays the Islamic State as they see themselves: boasting of their victories and painting a romantic image of the restoration of an Islamic golden age and the heralding of a "glorious" new caliphate based on holy war.

Dabiq is a place in Syria that is supposed to be the location for one of the final battles according to certain Muslim myths about a final apocalypse. Choosing such a name for the magazine highlights the caliphate's goals.

Issues of Dabiq released so far: 

http://www.clarionproject.org/sites/all/sites/default/files/images/ISIS-Dabiq-Cover-9.jpgThe ninth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called They Plot and Allah Plots, referring to the central feature of the magazine which argues that Islamic State supporters should not fear any plans to defeat them since Allah controls the world. The issue focuses on legitimacy - both attacking that of its enemies in Syria and the surrounding Arab nations, and in building up its own, with pieces on the importance of jihad.
Most shockingly this issue ran a lengthy segments admitting to and justifying sex slavery. It threatens to sell US first Lady Michelle Obama into sexual slavery for a third of a dinar. 

http://www.clarionproject.org/sites/all/sites/default/files/images/Dabiq-Cover-Issue-8.jpgThe eighth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called Shari'ah Alone Will Rule Africa. Like other issues of Dabiq it focuses on Islamic State successes, leaving out the group's defeats in strategic areas of Iraq and Syria to focus on Africa. It emphasizes the pledge of allegiance from Boko Haram in Nigeria and terror attacks in Libya and Tunisia. It tries to portray an organization with a future by glorifying its child soldier program and undermining the legitimacy of Al-Qaeda affiliat Jabhat al-Nusra by attacking its allies as 'nationalists' and therefore un-Islamic. 

http://www.clarionproject.org/sites/default/files/resize/sites/all/sites/default/files/images/dabiq-Issue-7-cover-150x212.jpgThe seventh issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is entitled From Hypocrisy to Apostasy. It begins with a declaration of war against Japan. Dabiq then boasts about the murder of the Jordanian pilot by immolation, before going on to give advice for would be leaders within the Islamic State. It reiterates their commitments to war, arguing that “Islam is the religion of the sword.” It then proceeds to tout its successes in Egypt and Libya. It reiterates its division of the world into two camps and includes interviews with jihadists and hostage John Cantlie. 

The sixth issue of Dabiq is called "Al-Qa'idah of Waziristan: A Testimony From Within." This issue begins by taking responsibility for the terrorist attack in Sydney that killed two at St. Martin's place and again calls on the Islamic State's supporters worldwide to carry out killings of Westerners whenever and wherever they can without revealing their intentions by discussing them. Most of the rest of the magazine focuses on internal jihadi disputes, criticizing the Islamic State's detractors from within the jihadi movement.  

http://www.clarionproject.org/sites/all/sites/default/files/images/Dabiq-Cover-5.jpgThe fifth issue of Dabiq is named after the Islamic State slogan, 'Remaining and Expanding.' In this theme, it announces the expansion of the Islamic State into Sinai, Libya, Yemen, Algeria and the Arabian Peninsula after accepting pledges of loyalty (bay'ah) from terrorist groups there. It also announces the minting of gold dinars and silver dirhams in order to separate it from the international fiat currency markets and build the economy of the Islamist state. 

The fourth issue of Dabiq is entitled "The Failed Crusade." It focuses on the attempts by the U.S.-led coalition to counter the Islamic State and mocks what the Islamists regard as a campaign doomed to fail. They express their certainty saying "This religion is the one promised with victory." The picture on the cover is of the iconic St. Peter's Square in Rome, displaying the group's ambitions of world conquest.

The third issue of Dabiq, "The Call to Hijrah" focuses on the jihadists' call to Muslims worldwide to move to Iraq and Syria to join the caliphate as soon as possible. Hijrah is Arabic for 'migration' and refers to the journey of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, and his companions from Mecca to Medinah in 622 C.E. The comparison is very deliberate and intended to invoke religious nostalgia. 

The second issue of Dabiq, "The Flood," uses the metaphor of the story of Noah to put across a stark message: you are either with the Islamic State, or against them and doomed to be destroyed. It calls on all Muslims around the world to pledge loyalty to the Islamic State and to move there immediately. There is also a section on the attempts to resolve the disputes between the Islamic State and other Jihadi factions such as Jabhat al-Nusra by means of mubahalah, an Islamic religious arbitration process.

The first issue of Dabiq, "The Return of Khilafah" is focused on the declaration of the caliphate and what that means. Some of the ideology behind the group is explained in an attempt to persuade more Muslims to join. It also explains the name of the magazine, and boasts of ISIS' victories. It also talks about efforts made to build support among local tribal groups, reporting their pledges of loyalty to Abu Bakr al-Baghadi, the self-appointed caliph of the Islamic State.

In order to combat extremist groups, it is important to understand their underlying ideology. Therefore, Clarion Project will continue to post the issues of Dabiq here as they are released.

For more information about the Islamic State, its ideology and its goals see Clarion Project's Special Report: The Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL)
Imagery from Dabiq - issue one


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Time to wake up and get educated on this before it's too late! These savages mean business and have $Billions of oil money to support their ruthless Jihad.
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Matthew Breisch ·  Top Commenter · São Paulo, Brazil
We need to find the head of this snake. Once we do that, we can take this beast down. Where do the grunts get their orders from? The bulk of their money is not from oil. They do not even operate any refineries. They are selling raw stuff for dirt cheap to Turkey taken across the border in trucks; but, it is worth the effort to find that network and extinguish it too. The bulk of their financing comes from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Understanding the simplistic minds of the slave, ISIS foot-soldiers, is as simple as picking up an elementary psychology book and doing some reading.
Reply · Like · 7 · December 10, 2014 at 5:14am
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Aasim Ali · Follow · Publisher at AdSense · 256 followers
The Islamic world is more worried about this worsening situation. The main targets of Isis are not Israel or non Muslims but majority of the people who they kill are Muslims, Edword snowden already said that thier leader got Training from isreal. May be this is a new weapon of World Powers to carry on War on Terror and this time Middle East is to destructed.
Reply · Like · 8 · January 3 at 12:37am
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James Shanbrom ·  Top Commenter
Matthew Breisch Maybe the trail will lead to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?
Reply · Like · 7 · February 7 at 12:46pm
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Allen Craft ·  Top Commenter
Time to start understanding your enemy. And these guys ARE our enemy.
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No. Dabiq is not named after the apocalypse. The Dabiq plain in Syria was the site of the decisive battle between the Turks and the Mameluks whereby the Ottokman invaded and ruled the Arab world establishing a "Turkish Kalifat" in Istanbul.
Hadi Eid Ph.D
"Islam the Alian Faith
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crusaders lol makes it very authentic. So you are better than a US soldier who kills because you kill in the name of 'Allah' ? Thou shall not kill! - Goes for anybody. For your own sake you better hope there is no 'God'
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James Shanbrom ·  Top Commenter
When the tumor is malignant, It has to be surgically removed before it kills the body. In this case the body is earth and its civilization We just use drones to remove the cancer. If the cancer spreads we will have to send in our surgeons, I mean soldiers
Reply · Like · 4 · February 7 at 12:51pm
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A US Crusade is a Christian Crusade too?! What is tha Arabic word for Crusade? We do use it in English........ Jihad
Reply · Like · 1 · February 13 at 4:19pm
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falling apart, all at once. Yemen. Libya, Lebanon, maybe it is time to talk about money. a lot of it. Where did it come from
Why is this always the last thing we know I thought money was easier to follow than man. The story is clearer wen u can follow the money
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I am a muslim and don't have that much knowledge about the Islam but I do trust Allahu Almighty one and Huzurpak (S.A.W) but i would like to know why we muslim have been killing innocent people in the name of Jihad.
As much i know if anybody tries to spoil the Islam we should fight against to correct this but i think if we apply the all sunnah of Huzurpak (saw) then we don't need to be violent. I think we should obey what Islam teaches us !!! One day the Islam will take the world in its capture its true but not this way..The principles of Islam is enough to make others thinkable about that that there is only one religion Islam and only one God is ALLAH. but we should have to punctual about sunnat of Muhammad (SAW) .InshaAllah everything will be on track oneday but this type of violence act totally goes over my mind.
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Matthew Breisch ·  Top Commenter · São Paulo, Brazil
Syria says the US coalition airstrikes have done nothing to slow down or stop ISIS, which is then confirmed by the articles in Dabiq. That is because US airstrikes were taking out Syrian businesses, factories and oil infrastructure, oh, and innocent civilians -- not ISIS.
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Cowards are what they are. Show your faces. Why cover your your faces. You will get what is coming to you. Burn yourselves 1000 times over. COWARDS
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I don't know why I've read DIABLO... Will I've been the only one to see it?
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Watching TV I see a lot of news people telling us how to win this ISIS problem. These people need some experience, they need to be sent where the ground war is, hand them stick to protect themselves, this should stop them in asking the people in the US to give up their weapons for protection. Instead of listening to yak yak yak, with some of their experience in a war zone they come back and talk with some common knowledge. Find ISIS funds and you'll cut off the snakes head, wake up people.
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Lisa Lakotich ·  Top Commenter
I agree, we need to get seriously educated. All countries need to stand united and invade these extremists with one major attack. They are human, there has got to be something that will get their attention
·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/c15.0.50.50/p50x50/1379841_10150004552801901_469209496895221757_n.jpg?oh=a6a490a2f8a320af6173fba05b22332b&oe=55C58D33&__gda__=1442749980_e56b57b0b4c2cf801c7f34b08e7c6f54
Lisa Lakotich ·  Top Commenter
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" We need to group up with the people that hate ISIS the most
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Lisa Lakotich ·  Top Commenter
We need to get after the Arms dealers who are supplying the weapons
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Misogynistic, nostalgic, non-progressive, anti-equality, anti-democratic, testosterone-driven, anti-anything that doesn't involve the absolute control of individuals and mind-shaping by a bitterly intolerant patriarchal elite. What's not to love?
·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/p50x50/10527311_10153287782163966_8353688580005639780_n.jpg?oh=3594d6d62568608de94e7858e4f64f0d&oe=55F34057&__gda__=1442837214_55e53ee9aa289b393c7c02676d92cceb
Read and listen...Isis majority are American!
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From every non violent muslim I keep hearing that Daesh are not practicing muslims. They are simply misguided murderers. And it is recommended that we do whatever we must and use whatever tools we have to defeat them to bring true peace to any area they exist in.
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Kegan Mahon ·  Top Commenter · Sales at Home-based business
Issue 5 is not properly displaying some of its pages.
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عیر اب عزکم من صغیرکم الکبیرکم یا مناویک یا اولاد الزنا یا دواعش یا حثالت دالرض
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it s good to start understanding but we can not underst. human 100%
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In Italy we have a book write when Abu Bakr hade 18 years old.The tiitle is IMPOSED WAr.Italian people can read it on the side SBN and write the title.J wnat met it but j don"t where.J write me mail adres. andrea.agostinis@malignani.ud.it
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