Wednesday 22 May 2024

Deendayal Upadhyaya - "Integral Humanism" or "Ekatma Manavavad - and religious nationalism

Deendayal Upadhyaya - "Integral Humanism" or "Ekatma Manavavad - and religious nationalism

Deendayal Upadhyaya, an Indian philosopher and politician, developed the concept of "Integral Humanism" or "Ekatma Manavavad," which serves as a philosophical basis for religious nationalism in India. Integral Humanism emphasizes the holistic development of individuals and society by integrating spiritual, moral, and material dimensions of life. This philosophy has influenced religious nationalism in India, particularly through its association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Key Elements of Integral Humanism

Holistic Development:

Integral Humanism advocates for the balanced development of the body, mind, intellect, and soul.

It rejects both extreme individualism and excessive collectivism, proposing a harmonious integration of individual and societal needs.

Cultural Nationalism (Hindutva):

Upadhyaya's philosophy promotes the idea that Indian identity is deeply rooted in its ancient culture and spiritual heritage.

This cultural nationalism is often synonymous with Hindutva, emphasizing the cultural unity of India based on Hindu values and traditions.

Spiritual Foundation:

Integral Humanism places significant emphasis on spirituality as the foundation for individual and societal well-being.

It encourages the integration of spiritual values into everyday life, promoting ethical conduct and moral integrity.

Decentralization and Self-reliance:

Upadhyaya advocated for decentralization of political and economic power to promote self-reliant communities.

This principle supports the idea of "Gram Swaraj" or village self-rule, emphasizing local governance and development.

Social Harmony:

The philosophy stresses the importance of social harmony and the welfare of all sections of society.

It promotes the idea of "Antyodaya," or the upliftment of the last person in society, ensuring that development benefits the most marginalized.

Influence on Religious Nationalism

Integral Humanism has significantly influenced the ideology of religious nationalism in India, particularly through its emphasis on cultural and spiritual unity. Here are a few ways it manifests:

Promotion of Hindu Values:

Integral Humanism's focus on Hindu values and traditions provides a cultural and religious foundation for the nationalist movement.

Organizations like the RSS and political entities like the BJP draw upon this philosophy to promote a vision of India rooted in Hindu culture and spirituality.

National Identity:

The philosophy's emphasis on cultural nationalism ties national identity to Hindu cultural and religious heritage.

This connection fosters a sense of pride and unity among Hindus, reinforcing the idea that India's identity is inherently linked to its Hindu past.

Policy and Governance:

Political leaders inspired by Integral Humanism often advocate for policies that promote Hindu culture and values.

This includes initiatives aimed at preserving and promoting Hindu traditions, festivals, and places of worship, as well as educational reforms that incorporate Hindu teachings.

Social and Cultural Integration:

Integral Humanism's holistic approach to development seeks to integrate spiritual and cultural values into social and economic policies.

This approach aims to create a society where cultural and religious identity plays a central role in national development and unity.

In summary, Deendayal Upadhyaya's Integral Humanism provides a philosophical foundation for religious nationalism in India by advocating for a holistic integration of spiritual, cultural, and material aspects of life. This philosophy has shaped the ideology and actions of organizations and political movements that seek to promote a national identity rooted in Hindu values and traditions.

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