Tuesday 21 May 2024

Countries with Cultural nationalism and religious nationalism

 Cultural nationalism and religious nationalism are ideologies that emphasize the promotion of a national identity based on shared cultural or religious heritage, respectively. Here is a list of countries where cultural nationalism and religious nationalism have significant influence:

Countries with Cultural Nationalism

1. Japan: Cultural nationalism in Japan emphasizes traditional Japanese culture, language, and heritage.

2. China: Chinese nationalism often incorporates elements of cultural pride and the promotion of traditional Chinese values and heritage.

3. France: French cultural nationalism is seen in efforts to preserve the French language and cultural identity against globalization.

4. Hungary: The Hungarian government promotes a strong sense of Hungarian cultural identity and heritage.

5. India: Cultural nationalism in India includes promoting Indian culture and heritage, often linked with the concept of Hindutva (Hindu cultural nationalism).

6. Russia: Russian cultural nationalism focuses on the promotion of Russian language, culture, and Orthodox Christianity as part of national identity.

7. Turkey: Turkish nationalism promotes Turkish culture, language, and heritage, with an emphasis on secularism and the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

8. Countries with Religious Nationalism

India: Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) promotes Hindu values and culture as central to Indian identity.

9. Pakistan: Islamic nationalism, with Islam as a core component of national identity.

10. Israel: Jewish nationalism (Zionism) emphasizes the Jewish identity and heritage of the state of Israel.

11. Iran: Islamic nationalism, where the state is closely tied to Shia Islam.

12. Saudi Arabia: Islamic nationalism with a focus on Wahhabism as the state religion.

13. Myanmar: Buddhist nationalism, where Buddhism is promoted as central to Burmese identity.

14. Sri Lanka: Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism emphasizes the importance of Buddhism to Sri Lankan identity.

15. Poland: Polish nationalism is often linked with Roman Catholicism, emphasizing the Catholic heritage of the country.

16. Hungary: Although cultural nationalism is more prominent, there is also an element of Christian nationalism.

These lists are not exhaustive, and the degree to which nationalism influences politics and society can vary within each country.

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