Thursday 23 January 2020

'China A Friend, We Discuss Uighurs Privately, Not Publicly': Imran Khan

'China A Friend, We Discuss Uighurs Privately, Not Publicly': Imran Khan
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Chinese are "sensitive" and that's why

Islamabad avoids discussing the Uighur issue with them.
WorldANIUpdated: January 23, 2020 15:04 IST
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'China A Friend, We Discuss Uighurs Privately, Not Publicly': Imran Khan
On Uighur repression, Imran Khan says, "We talk about things with China privately, not



Bonn: Despite the global outcry over China's treatments of its minorities, Pakistan

Prime Minister Imran Khan has chosen to remain tight-lipped on deplorable conditions

of Uighur Muslims in China, saying Beijing is a "good friend" and has helped Islamabad

in "most difficult situations".
In an exclusive interview with German-based Deutsche Welle on January 16, Imran

Khan spoke at length about the issue of Kashmir but he said Chinese are "sensitive"

and that's why Islamabad avoids discussing the Uighur issue with them.

When asked "why he is not very vocal on the issue of Uighur Muslim but is very critical

to India over Kashmir issue", Mr Khan said, "Well, mainly for two reasons. First, the

scale of what is happening in India is not comparable to what is supposedly happening

to the Uighurs in China. Second, China has been a great friend. It has helped us in our

most difficult times because of the economic crisis my government inherited.

Therefore, we do talk about things with China privately, not publicly, as these are

sensitive issues."

China has been condemned internationally for cracking down on the minorities living in

their countries. China has been accused of oppressing the Uighurs by sending them to

mass detention camps, interfering in their religious activities and sending the

community to undergo some form of forceful re-education or indoctrination. However,

Pakistan has stayed silent over this issue.

When India scrapped Article 370 in August last year, Pakistan ramped up its rhetoric

against New Delhi and expressed concern over the situation of Muslims in the region.

Mr Khan had even called himself an ambassador of Kashmiri people.

However, when it comes to China's treatment of Muslims, Pakistan has been mum and

when asked to comment on it, the Pakistan PM has tried to brush it aside saying that

there is a lot going on in its own country. The United States had also asked Pakistan to

express the "same level" of concern about Muslims detentions in Western China as

they do for Kashmir.

"...I would like to see the same level of concern expressed about Muslims who are

being detained in Western China, literally in concentration-like conditions. And so being

concerned about the human rights of Muslims does extend more broadly than

Kashmir, and you've seen the administration very involved here during the UN General

Assembly and trying to shine a light on the horrific conditions that continue to exist for

Muslims throughout China," Alice Wells, US Acting Assistant Secretary for South and

Central Asia had said in September last year while replying to a question about

Pakistan PM's concerns about Kashmir.

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